Макро Гуру Раоул Пал предвиђа Етхереум од 10,000 долара - али каже да ће други ЕТХ ривали бити бољи

Former Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says that Ethereum is destined to reach a five-figure price in the next crypto bull market, and that some of ЕТХ'с biggest rivals will outperform.

In a new interview teaser with Altcoin Daily, Pal says that Ethereum will probably present the best risk-adjusted returns moving forward, but that plenty of other competing altcoin projects could still post higher gains.

“ETH is the money of the internet. And I don’t think it’s going to lose that. But, that doesn’t mean it’s the best performer. Because we’re going to push use cases elsewhere for innovation.

We’ve got things like Sui coming. Aptos hasn’t been fully utilized yet. We need to see the network effects. Solana, I think they’re aiming for the broadest adoption by making it a consumer-friendly place, to onboard normies. That’s very powerful. If they get that right… and their work with people like Meta and stuff like that – Instagram – is very interesting. That’s super amazing.

Polygon, amazing group, what are they doing? They’re onboarding a lot of people. They’ve got a lot of throughput, super interesting. 

Sui hasn’t even come on to the market yet, and that is faster, incredible team, stuff like that, so there’s a lot going on here. But ETH is the easiest way because it’s probably got the least risk.”

The macro expert says that he has a rough price target of about $10,000 for ETH, though he’s not a fan of price predictions.

“I hate doing it but, I don’t see any reason why it’s not above $10,000. I see no reason at all why it’s not above $10,000 so that’s a decent upside from here.”

У време писања, ЕТХ се тргује за 1,525 долара.


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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Сусанитах/Владимир Казаков

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/13/macro-guru-raoul-pal-predicts-10000-ethereum-but-says-other-eth-rivals-will-outperform/