Мистериозни крипто китови акумулирају полигон и 271,000,000 долара вредан алткоин на бази Етхереума

Several of Ethereum’s biggest whales are loading their bags in a major way as the markets try to stabilize after a rocky week of trading.

According to the transaction aggregator ВхалеСтатс, a number of cryptocurrency wallets with the root name of “BlueWhale” have been splurging hundreds of millions of dollars on discounted altcoins.

The wallet with the handle BlueWhale0117 spent $4.2 million to acquire 5,192,453 tokens of the layer-2 scaling solution Polygon (MATIC).

BlueWhale0117 is currently рангирана #79 among rich whales, with a wallet currently worth more than $160 million.

The data crunching site reports that BlueWhale0116 has also been gorging on FTX Token (ФТТ), изворно средство берзе криптовалута ФТКС.

Кит у почетку плаћен a staggering $213.2 million for 7,112,942 FTT several days ago, then on Tuesday went back for секунде and bought another 2,180,000 tokens with a price tag of $58 million.

BlueWhale0116, with a total account вредност of $34,237,463, currently ranks #381 on WhaleStats.

Another crypto wallet with the mysterious “BlueWhale” prefix is the 82nd wealthiest bag named BlueWhale0097, whose газдинства are worth nearly $155 million at time of writing.

BlueWhale0097 also took a shine to FTX Token, yesterday dropping $11.7 million to сигурно 420,995 FTT.

The wallet was particularly interested in the Solana-based decentralized exchange (DEX) Serum and ended up making three big СПО purchases in less than 30 minutes on Monday.

BlueWhale0097 first стечен 12,299,999 SRM worth $11.5 million, then ушушкан 9,999,999 SRM valued at $9.35 million, and finished by грабећи another 10,003,937 SRM also with a price tag of $9.35 million.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк / Дизајн пројекти

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/27/mysterious-crypto-whales-accumulating-polygon-and-271000000-worth-of-ethereum-based-exchange-altcoin/