Скоро 400 хиљада ЕТХ су преместили китови

Ethereum, the world’s second largest crypto price dropped by more than 8% in the last 24 hours. However, this Кретање цене Етхереума has motivated the crypto whales to add more ETH to their holdings.

ETH price tanks; Crypto whales add

As per the Whale Alert data, Crypto whales have moved around 400K Ethereum from the crypto exchanges. More than $445 million worth of Ethereum was moved to multiple unknown wallets amid the price dump.

The data depicts that whales moved around 300k Ethereum (worth approx $333 million) from Upbit, a crypto exchange to different wallets. However, the највећа забележена трансакција by the tracker has been of adding $129.1 million worth of ETH from the same exchange.

However, A whale accumulated 99.99K Ethereum from the Bitifinex crypto exchange. The transaction worthed around $112.4 million.

This whale accumulation has come amid the massive Ethereum Price drop. ETH price is down by 12% in the last 7 days. ETH is trading at an average price of $1,128, at the press time. However, its 24 hour trading volume is up by a whopping 103% to stand at $11.9 billion. ETH’s market cap stands at around $137 billion.

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Source: https://coingape.com/ethereum-price-nearly-400k-eth-moved-by-whales/