Ропстен тестнет Мерге постављено за 8. јун, да ли је вредно добијања ЕТХ?

Ethereum ЕТХ / УСД is one of the largest cryptocurrencies within the crypto space, which is the home to one of the biggest ecosystems of decentralized applications (dApps).

There is a lot of hype and attention surrounding the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, and we are closer than ever before to its launch.

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Данас се пријавите за билтен Инвезз.

The Ropsten testnet Merge as a catalyst for growth

Маја КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС we covered how ETH burning and gas prices surged.

Ethereum’s ecosystem is going to experience a large testing milestone, with the Ropsten testnet Merge set to occur on June 8, 2022.

When we take a look at the Merge testnets page on GitHub, there is a submission from Ethereum DevOps engineer Parathi Jayanathi of a pull request for the Ropsten testnet Merge configuration code.

This submission indicates that the implementation is ready, as Ropsten is one of several testnets created by the Ethereum Foundation in 2017 and is maintained by the Geth development team.

The main point of appeal towards this testnet is the fact that it is seen as the best replication of the Ethereum Mainnet due to the fact that it follows a structure that is similar.

The result of this is that developers can conduct realistic deployment testing prior to making updates on the actual mainnet.

The Ropsten testnet merge will see the Proof-of-Work (PoW) network combined with a new Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus layer testnet, with its genesis set for May 30, 2022. 

We will be able to see a simulation of what can happen once the actual merge between Ethereum and the Beacon Chain finally takes place, making it a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network.

Да ли бисте требали купити Етхереум (ЕТХ)?

Дана 19. маја 2022., Етхереум (ЕТХ) је имао вредност од 1,924.76 долара.

In order for us to see what this value point represents for the future of the ETH cryptocurrency, we will be going over its all-time high point of value, alongside its performance throughout the previous month. 

When we look at its all-time high, Ethereum (ETH) got up to a value of $4,878.26 on November 10, 2021.

When we go over the performance in April, Ethereum (ETH) had its highest point on April 4 at $3,550.74. Its lowest point was on April 30 at $2,788.18. This marked a decrease in value of $762.56 or 21%.

With all of this in mind, Ethereum (ETH) can increase in value after its Ropsten testnet Merge on June 8. 

We can expect the token to reach a value of $2,600 by the end of June

Где купити одмах

Да би улагали једноставно и лако, корисницима је потребан посредник са ниском накнадом са евиденцијом поузданости. Следећи брокери су високо оцењени, признати широм света и сигурни за употребу:

  1. ЕТоро, коме верује преко 13 милиона корисника широм света. Региструјте се овде>
  2. Цапитал.цом, једноставан, лак за употребу и регулисан. Региструјте се овде>

*Улагање у криптоактиву није регулисано у неким земљама ЕУ и УК. Нема заштите потрошача. Ваш капитал је у опасности.

Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/05/19/ropsten-testnet-merge-set-for-june-8-is-eth-worth-getting/