Гиант друштвених медија Твиттер додаје водећи Алтцоин Етхереум (ЕТХ) функцији за напојницу

Social networking titan Twitter says it is expanding the crypto assets and payments platforms compatible with its new tipping feature.

У нови објава, Twitter tells its 6,900,000 followers that it will now be incorporating wallet addresses associated with top altcoin Ethereum (ETH) into its tipping feature.

The social media giant says it will also be adding several new third-party payments services for sending the tips.

“Have you set up Tips on your profile yet so it’s easy for people to show their support?

Yes: cool, we’ve added Paga, Barter by Flutterwave, Paytm, and the option to add your Ethereum address.”

Twitter first rolled out its tipping feature last September, allowing users to instantly send funds, including cash and top crypto asset by market cap Bitcoin (BTC), to any Twitter user in the world for free utilizing payments protocol Strike, an app that processes BTC transactions via the Lightning Network.

Now, users can send Ethereum directly to another user’s ETH wallet, according to Twitter’s website.

“Through Tips, you’ll be able to copy someone’s Bitcoin or Ethereum address and paste their address into whatever wallet you use.”

Other prominent payments platforms compatible with Twitter’s Tips feature include CashApp, Patreon, GoFundMe, and Venmo.

Ethereum is exchanging hands at $2,981 at time of writing, a 2.9% drop on the day while leading crypto Bitcoin is trading for $41,848, a 3.9% dip over the same period.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/урзине

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/02/17/social-media-giant-twitter-adds-leading-altcoin-ethereum-eth-to-tipping-feature/