Соланин Анатолиј Јаковенко дели размишљања о највећим НФТ пројектима екосистема који одлазе у Етхереум и Полигон

Солана (SOL) co-creator Anatoly Yakovenko has chimed in on the expansion of some of the blockchain’s biggest projects to other chains.

In November, Solana’s largest marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Magic Eden, најавила it was expanding to its third chain, Polygon (MATIC).

Magic Eden also operates on Ethereum (ETH). Later that month, Solana crypto wallet Phantom додата подршка for Ethereum and Polygon.

And this Sunday at nearly the same time, Solana-based NFT projects y00ts and DeGods III најавила on Twitter that they are bridging to Ethereum and Polygon next year.

Каже Yakovenko of the migrations,

“Solana unicorns like Magic Eden, Phantom, [and] DeGods are going multichain. It’s bittersweet to watch. It would be awesome for them to 100% focus on Solana. But [the] reality is that these projects want to conquer the world. But so does the Solana community!

The goal is to onboard everyone in the world to self-custody, and the path there is hard. These unicorns figured out product-market fit in an insanely competitive market. They were built on Solana because Solana is where the best products can be built.

There will be users of other chains that for the first time try Solana because of ME, Phantom and DeGods, and they will be blown away by the experience and they will tell all their friends.

What Solana needs is twenty more unicorns that are so ambitious that Solana can’t contain them.”

SOL has been ravaged by the ongoing crypto bear market and is down more than 71% in the past six months. The 18th-ranked crypto asset by market cap is trading at $10.91 at time of writing.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Alberto Andrei Rosu/Tun_Thanakorn

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/28/solanas-anatoly-yakovenko-shares-thoughts-on-ecosystems-biggest-nft-projects-leaving-for-ethereum-and-polygon/