Врхунски крипто аналитичар предвиђа рели за КСРП, планира шта је следеће за Етхереум и још један Алтцоин

A crypto strategist who continues to build a following with timely altcoin calls is outlining what’s in store for three digital assets including XRP и Етхереум (ETH).

Pseudonymous analyst Altcoin Sherpa tells his 183,100 Twitter followers that he’s bullish on XRP, and he sees the seventh-largest crypto by market cap igniting a decent rally in the short term.

“XRP: The standard…

Targeting range high.”

Извор: Алтцоин шерпа / Твиттер

At time of writing, XRP is swapping hands for $0.41, up over 8% in the past 24 hours.

Next up is leading smart contract platform Ethereum. According to Altcoin Sherpa, he expects ETH to correct some more before potentially carving a bottom and reversing its bearish trend.

“ETH: $1,000-$1,200 next area up according to volume profile. Should be some decent support in that range.

Price is fractal. You see these types of double bottoms for reversals on all timeframes. This is how a potential bottom would look, in my opinion.”

Извор: Алтцоин шерпа / Твиттер

At time of writing, Ethereum is valued at $1,334, a nearly 3% decrease on the day.

Another altcoin on the trader’s radar is Chiliz (ЦХЗ), the native asset of a platform designed for tokenizing sports and esports in order to encourage fan engagement. According to Altcoin Sherpa, CHZ bulls can trigger a rally if they manage to break its immediate resistance at $0.25.

“This looks scary on all timeframes but still has been one of the best-performing coins. Potential double top on the four-hour, plus this is still an area of resistance. If it breaks to the upside, $0.30 is the next area up, in my opinion.”

Извор: Алтцоин шерпа / Твиттер

At time of writing, CHZ is changing hands for $0.24, down over 3% in the past day.

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Featured Image: Sensvector/Kancut

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/21/top-crypto-analyst-predicts-rally-for-xrp-maps-out-whats-next-for-ethereum-and-one-additional-altcoin/