Врхунски трговац предвиђа огроман потез за један алткоин базиран на Етхереум-у, каже да је графикон једног АИ токена "луди" биковски

A widely followed analyst is predicting big moves to the upside for one Ethereum (ETH)-based altcoin and one artificial intelligence (AI) token.

Pseudonymous analyst Bluntz tells his 222,100 Twitter followers that blockchain indexing protocol The Graph (GRT) could soar by about 30% from its current value of $0.14.

Трговац каже GRT is setting the stage for a rally to $0.19 as it breaks to the upside out of a descending triangle.

“Besides ETH I think GRT is probs one of my biggest bags, this chart is gagging for a monster move upwards in my opinion and I’m positioned for it.”

Извор: Блунтз/Твиттер

Next, the crypto strategist says the AI-focused project Fetch.ai (FET) is likely to surge by more than 50% from its current value of $0.36.

He каже that after FET has broken out of three downward triangle resistance levels it is poised to soar to $0.55.

“Another I like is FET, literally so many crazy bullish charts out there, feels like we’re almost at the stage where we can start punting longs blindfolded I think.”

Извор: Блунтз/Твиттер

Lastly, the crypto trader тежи in on this month’s planned Shanghai upgrade for the Ethereum ecosystem, which will allow investors to sell their staked ETH. He каже the upgrade could trigger a run to the upside similar to a run by Bitcoin (BTC) in 2019, noting a similarity in their price action patterns.

“The ole ETH Shanghai upgrade is the perfect psyops to [fear, uncertainty, and doubt] people out of generational longs, it’s the perfect wall of worry scenario.

When ETH inevitably breaks out from $2,000 you’ll want to be positioned accordingly because unfortunately, I doubt there will be retests.

It’ll most likely be a straight up GOD candle candle like BTC in 2019.”

Извор: Блунтз/Твиттер

Ethereum is trading for $1,912 at time of writing, up 2.5% in the past 24 hours.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/04/06/top-trader-predicts-massive-move-for-one-ethereum-based-altcoin-says-one-ai-tokens-chart-is-crazy-bullish/