Трговање Гиант Робинхоод омогућава трансфере за недавно уврштен Етхереум (ЕТХ) Цхалленгер

Customers of the trading giant Robinhood can now execute external transfers of the Ethereum (ETH) competitor Avalanche (AVAX).

Robinhood first покренуо crypto transfers in and out of its platform in July, adding trading подршка for AVAX and XRP rival Stellar (XLM) last month and unlocking transfers for Avalanche on Thursday.

AVAX is trading at $17.31 at time of writing. The 17th-ranked crypto asset by market cap is down 0.46% in the past 24 hours and more than 2% in the past week. It also remains down more than 88% from its all-time high of around $145, which it hit in November of 2021.

Robinhood also обезбеђен an update on its crypto wallet rollout, noting wallets should still be available to customers by the end of the year. The company says beta testing starts this month.

The California-based firm отворена a waitlist for beta testers in May after announcing that it was launching a multichain, non-custodial crypto wallet that will allow users to trade crypto, access decentralized apps (DApps), do yield farming and store non-fungible tokens (NFTs), among other functions.

Robinhood CEO Vladimir Tenev напоменути in August that the number of people who wanted to get early access to the retail trading platform’s Web3 wallet had already surpassed 1 million.

Robinhood has had a difficult year, letting go of 9% of its staff in April and another 100% of its workforce in August.

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Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Мишљења изнета у Даили Ходлу нису савети за улагање. Улагачи би требали обавити своју дужну опрему прије него што уложе у високе ризичне инвестиције у битцоин, крипто валуту или дигиталну имовину. Имајте на уму да су ваши трансфери и трговине на сопствени ризик, а за све губитке који могу настати одговоран сте. Даили Ходл не препоручује куповину или продају било које крипто валуте или дигиталне имовине, нити Даили Даили Ходл није саветник за инвестирање. Имајте на уму да Даили Ходл учествује у аффилиате маркетингу.

Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Залеман

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/30/trading-giant-robinhood-enables-transfers-for-recently-listed-ethereum-eth-challenger/