Оснивач Трон Џастин Сун каже да ће његова крипто размена Полониек подржати све будуће форкиране Етхереум токене: Извештај

The founder and former chief executive of smart contract platform Tron (TRX) is reportedly saying that his crypto exchange will support all future forked Ethereum (ETH) жетоне.

Према нови извештај by Bloomberg, Sun says that Poloniex, a crypto exchange he heavily backed in 2019, will list any proof of work versions of Ethereum following The Merge.

“Proof-of-work is essential to Ethereum [because it is very reliable]. For [a] proof-of-stake smart platform, we have Tron.”

Sun is referring to Ethereum’s upcoming merge to its Beacon Chain and transition to a proof-of-stake consensus model, which has triggered talks of a potential fork to proof-of-work afterward by those in the ecosystem who disagree with the change.

According to Sun, there’s nothing wrong with очување ETH’s proof-of-work system despite the benefits a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism can provide.

“As the founder of a proof-of-stake blockchain, I believe that proof-of-work has its own unique value. In fact, we may have underestimated the value of Ethereum as the only proof-of-work smart contract blockchain.

As a whale with over one million ETH, I will make a lot of money switching to proof-of-stake (proof-of-stake is obviously more friendly to ETH holders) but I think to some extent that the Ether community may underestimate how much proof-of-work [has] contributed to Ethereum as the core consensus mechanism.

It is risky for Ethereum to move completely from proof of work to proof of stake, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with preserving the proof-of-work chain for [the] Ethereum community.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/wacomka/Natalia Siiatovskaia

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/08/tron-founder-justin-sun-says-his-crypto-exchange-poloniex-will-support-all-future-forked-ethereum-tokens-report/