Унисвап иде против медвеђих трендова, престиже Етхереум

Прошле недеље, децентрализоване финансије (ДеФи) ecosystem tried gaining some momentum amid the bear market crash. Uniswap saw a trend reversal and overtook Ethereum regarding network fees paid. However, not all DeFi protocols were as lucky, as Bancor had to pause its “impermanent loss protection” in the wake of a hostile market.

DappRadar’s report shows that the GameFi ecosystem continues to thrive despite the current downturn in the market. Solend invalidates Solana whale wallet takeover plan with second governance vote.

The top 100 DeFi tokens showed signs of recovery after last week’s mayhem, and several of the tokens registered double-digit gains.

ДеФи Суммер 3.0? Унисвап престиже Етхереум по накнадама, ДеФи је бољи

Decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap has overtaken its host blockchain Ethereum in terms of fees paid over a seven-day rolling average.

Чини се да је пораст део недавног таласа велике потражње за ДеФи усред тренутног тржишта медведа. Платформе за децентрализоване финансије (ДеФи) као што су Ааве и Синтхетик забележиле су пораст у накнадама плаћеним у протеклих седам дана, док су њихови изворни токени и друге као што је Цомпоунд (ЦОМП) такође су поскупели.

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ГамеФи наставља да расте упркос крипто зими: извештај ДаппРадар-а

Blockchain games were the subject of the latest DappRadar x BGA Games Report #5, published Tuesday. The report looked at healthy ecosystems and investments in GameFi and metaverse markets.

The report covered several projects in detail, outlining their continued success and growth. Splinterlands, Illuvium, Galaverse and STEPN have continued bringing new players to their platforms, gaining financial interest and expanding their businesses.

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Bancor pauses impermanent loss protection citing ‘hostile’ market conditions

Bancor, a DeFi protocol often credited as the pioneer of the DeFi space, paused its impermanent loss protection (ILP) function on Sunday, citing “hostile” market conditions.

In a blog post on Monday, the DeFi protocol noted that the ILP pause is a temporary measure to protect the protocol and the users. When a user gives liquidity to a liquidity pool, the ratio of their deposited assets changes at a later moment, potentially leaving investors with more of the lower value token, this is known as impermanent loss.

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Соленд поништава план за преузимање Солана китовог новчаника другим гласањем управе

Solana-based DeFi lending protocol Solend has created another governance vote to invalidate the recently-approved proposal that gave Solend Labs “emergency powers” to access a whale’s wallet to avoid liquidation.

On Sunday, the crypto lending platform launched a governance vote titled “SLND1: Mitigate Risk From Whale.” It allowed Solend to reduce the risk the whale’s liquidation poses to the market by letting the lending platform access the whale’s wallet and letting the liquidations happen over the counter.

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Преглед тржишта ДеФи

Analytical data reveals that DeFi’s total value locked registered a minor recovery rising above $56 billion. Data from Цоинтелеграпх Маркетс Про and TradingView shows that DeFi’s top-100 tokens by market capitalization were on the move, and many of the tokens registered double-digit gains over the past week.

The majority of the DeFi tokens in the top 100 ranking by market cap were trading in green. Synthetix (СИКС) registered the biggest gain with a 90% surge over the past week, followed by Uniswap (UNI), which saw a 37% appreciation in price in the past seven days. COMP gained 31%, while Thorchain (THOR) saw a 22% rise.

Пре него што одеш!

Celsius network, the lending platform that has been in trouble over liquidations and lack of Capital, saw a community-led short squeeze of its native token, CEL. It registered a 300% jump over the past week amid market uncertainty over its future.

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