Непознати новчаник депонује 260,000 Етхереум (ЕТХ) у вредности од 434 милиона долара на Бинанце пре спајања

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An unknown investor has made a huge transfer of Ethereum to Binance. 

Cryptocurrency whale tracking platform, Whale Alert, has observed the movement of a massive amount of Ethereum (ETH) to Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange. 

According to blockchain data shared by Whale Alert, a total of 260,000 Ethereum were deposited on Binance in the hours leading up to press time. 

When the transaction was made, the 260,000 ETH were worth approximately $434.18 million. 

Not Surprising

It is not surprising to see a whopping amount of ETH deposited to Binance. Ethereum is expected to undergo a significant upgrade, ultimately leading to the network’s transition from a Proof-of-Work algorithm to a Proof-of-Stake. 

The Ethereum team has speculated that the Merge will occur around September 13 – 15, 2022. With the upgrade happening soon, the price of Ethereum is expected to fluctuate heavily in the hours leading up to the upgrade as investors may favor the “sell the news” стратегија трговања.

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Одрицање од одговорности

Садржај је само у информативне сврхе и може укључивати лично мишљење аутора и не одражава нужно мишљење ТхеЦриптоБасиц-а. Све финансијске инвестиције, укључујући криптовалуте, носе значајан ризик, тако да увек урадите комплетно истраживање пре улагања. Никада не улажите новац који не можете приуштити да изгубите; аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш финансијски губитак или добит.

Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/09/06/unknown-wallet-deposits-260000-ethereum-eth-worth-434-million-on-binance-ahead-of-merge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unknown-wallet-deposits-260000-ethereum-eth-worth-434-million-on-binance-ahead-of-merge