Хоће ли цена Етхереума изгубити подршку од 1800 долара усред неизвесних тржишта? 

Објављено пре 2 сати

The Ethereum price maintains a sideways trend below the support trendline of a megaphone pattern. Teasing a potential reversal, the altcoin price prepares an upcycle within the price pattern forming in the daily chart. So, with crypto buyers ready for a hike, should you consider buying ETH this August?

Такође прочитајте: Рели цене Етхереума чека ову потврду биковског обрасца

Дневни графикон цена Етхереума

  • The short-bodied candles in the daily chart reflect uncertainty among market participants 
  • A potential reversal from the support trendline sets the ETH price for a 10% upswing.
  • Обим трговања у току дана у Етхереум-у је 29.5 милијарди долара, што указује на губитак од 25%.

Етхереум ПрицеИзвор-Традингвиев

Struggling to reclaim the uptrend momentum, ETH prices tend sideways close to a support trend line. Despite a bull pushing the lower trend, the buyers’ failure to rise higher indicates weakness in bullish momentum. Maintaining a higher high formation, the ETH price action hints at a modified megaphone pattern. 

Moreover, in the larger picture, ETH price action maintains an uptrend in a rising channel. Therefore, the break down of the megaphone pattern can lead to another price fall to the bottom of the rising channel. 

The lower support trendline carrying a bullish trend offers an opportunity to accumulate ETH at a discounted price.

What if ETH Price Breaks Support Trendline?

A high momentum bullish reversal from the support trendline could lead to a sharp recovery in Ethereum price, potentially crossing the $2000 barrier. However, if ETH continues to fluctuate under the $1900 mark, a bearish breakdown can drop the ETH price low to $1800. 

  • Дивергенција конвергенције покретног просека: The MACD indicator displays a Bullish crossover in action projecting a potential Bullish bounce in ETH price.
  • Индекс релативне снаге:  The RSI indicator shows a sideways trend close to the halfway line reflecting a brawl between bulls and bears.

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Source: https://coingape.com/markets/will-ethereum-price-lose-1800-support-amidst-uncertain-markets/