Дасх (ДАСХ) опао за 63%, Фондација Догецоин (ДОГЕ) најављује нови фонд за основне програмере, Сновфалл Протоцол (СНВ) расте за 250% у трећој претпродаји

The cryptocurrency market is in a constant state of flux, with new projects and startups emerging all the time. However, only a handful of these projects have what it takes to be truly successful in the long run. Протокол о снежним падавинама (СНВ) is one of these projects. In this article, we will discuss what sets Snowfall Protocol (SNW) apart from other cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Dash (DASH).

Dash’s (DASH) long-term viability in question

Since 2017, the Dash (DASH) price trend has experienced the ups and downs of the market that are typical for cryptocurrencies. Dash (DASH) coin, like most other cryptocurrencies, is susceptible to market fluctuations. There is a wide range of opinions and price forecasting among experts regarding the potential of Dash (DASH) in the coming years. Therefore, Dash (DASH) coin’s growth rate is extremely volatile. Dash (DASH) has grown by 5% in the past week, and is currently trading at $45.15. However, the pace of selling or buying Dash (DASH) did not pick up, and there was little action taken as a result. On the price charts of Dash (DASH), a massive bearish trend line has formed, which may block price gains in the future. The value of Dash (DASH) has decreased by over 63% over the past year. Additionally, Dash (DASH) is trading at a price that is $975.22 below its all-time high. Thus, some have questioned whether or not Dash (DASH) is a good long-term investment.

Dogecoin (DOGE) funds over $300,000 for development

To better promote the Dogecoin (DOGE) ecosystem in 2019, the Dogecoin Foundation has announced a new fund for Core developers. On December 31st, the Dogecoin Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to furthering the world’s first meme coin, announced a new 5,000,000 DOGE development fund to help the project. At the time of writing, this equates to about $360,000 being contributed to the fund to help advance the Dogecoin (DOGE) network. The funds will be distributed to developers who contribute to Dogecoin’s (DOGE) ecosystem. To manage the funds in an open and accountable manner, and to fairly compensate the Dogecoin (DOGE) Core team for their efforts, a multi-signature wallet has been set up. Its yet to be seen if such developments in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) ecosystem will make a difference in the price. The current Dogecoin (DOGE) price at auction is $0.073. Dogecoin (DOGE) dropped by 33% in December, its largest monthly drop of 2022.

Crypto experts recommend Snowfall Protocol (SNW) as a top long-term gainer

Snowfall Protocol (SNW)has been created by experts in the field who aim to ease the complexity of inter-blockchain communication without sacrificing the efficiency of the process. Snowfall Protocol (SNW) offers a unified interface for trading assets amongst the most widely-used blockchains. Snowfall Protocol (SNW) is viewed as a promising investment by industry experts due to its potential to grow in value by a factor of 1000 in the near future. The друга фаза of Snowfall Protocol’s (SNW) presale was a huge success, ending a day ahead of schedule after прикупивши преко 3 милиона долара and selling almost 100 милиона жетона.Snowfall Protocol (SNW) has reached the last round of its presale and is selling at 0.182 долара по токену. Some estimates put the potential growth of Snowfall Protocol (SNW) at 100% after its public launch. With its impressive run in the market, Протокол о снежним падавинама (СНВ) has become a popular investment option.

уђите док можете и инвестирајте у Сновфалл Протоцол (СНВ) већ данас!!!

Предпродаја: https://presale.snowfallprotocol.io

Сајт: https://snowfallprotocol.io

телеграм: https://t.me/snowfallcoin

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/snowfallcoin

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Најновији постови аутора госта (види све)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/17/dash-dash-drops-by-63-dogecoin-doge-foundation-announces-new-fund-for-core-developers-snowfall-protocol-snw-grows-by-250-in-third-presale/