Анализа цене Догецоин-а: ДОГЕ је пао за још 18 процената, пао испод 0.13 долара

ТЛ; ДР Анализа

  • Анализа цена Догецоина данас је медведска.
  • ДОГЕ/УСД је наставио да пада преко ноћи.
  • Подршка од 0.13 долара је прекинута.

Dogecoin price analysis is bearish today as we expect more downside to follow after a strong decline over the last 24 hours. Since no signs of a slowdown are seen, DOGE/USD should reach even further downside by the end of the day.

Dogecoin Price Analysis: DOGE drops another 18 percent, breaks below $0.13 1
Мапа топлоте криптовалуте. Извор: Цоин360

The cryptocurrency market has seen the heavy selloff continue over the last 24 hours. The market leaders, Bitcoin and Ethereum, have lost 10.43 and 16.46 percent, respectively. Dogecoin has lost even more with over 17 percent loss.

Dogecoin price movement in the last 24 hours: Dogecoin breaks previous swing low at $0.14, continues lower

DOGE/USD traded in a range of $0.129 – $0.1543, indicating strong volatility over the last 24 hours. Trading volume has spiked by 44 percent, totaling $1.37 billion, while the total market cap trades around 17.1 billion, ranking the coin in 10th place overall.

DOGE/USD 4-hour chart: DOGE breaks $0.13, bearish momentum still strong

On the 4-hour chart, we can see the Dogecoin continuing lower so far today as no signs of a slowdown are present.

Анализа цене Догецоин-а: ДОГЕ је пао за још 18 процената, пао испод 0.13 долара
ДОГЕ / УСД четворосатни графикон. Извор: ТрадингВиев

The Dogecoin price action has seen bearish momentum continue this week. After spiking to $0.215 earlier in January, a strong higher high was set. However, strong rejection reversed DOGE/USD late last week in a major way.

Since then, the market has steadily retraced to $0.16, where some signs of support were seen. Despite that, a strong push lower resumed on the 20th of January, leading to $0.15. 

After a slight pause, the Dogecoin price continued even lower, dropping below previous major support at $0.14 overnight. Since then, DOGE/USD has continued even lower with no signs of slowdown for now.

Анализа цене догецоин-а: Закључак 

Dogecoin price analysis is bearish today as we have seen no signs of slowing down over the last 24 hours. Therefore, we assume DOGE/USD will continue even lower later today and reach $0.12 next target soon.

Док чекате да Догецоин крене даље, погледајте наше чланке о Цоинбасе трезору против новчаника, предвиђању цене Цардано-а и прикупљању губитака од пореза на криптовалуте.

Одрицање од одговорности. Дати подаци нису савет за трговање. Цриптополитан.цом не сноси одговорност за било каква улагања на основу информација на овој страници. Препоручујемо неовисно истраживање и / или консултације са квалификованим стручњаком пре доношења било каквих инвестиционих одлука.

Извор: хттпс://ввв.цриптополитан.цом/догецоин-прице-аналисис-2022-01-22/