ДОЈ настоји да прекине комуникацију Сама Банкман-Фриеда са кључним људима укљученим у суђење за превару

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking to stifle Sam Bankman-Fried’s communications with FTX and Alameda Research employees before his trial.

У новом суду подношење, the DOJ asks for a ruling that would cut off Bankman-Fried’s access to all current and former employees of the embattled crypto firms as they may be prone to intimidation.

“The Government is seeking to limit the defendant’s contact only with current and former FTX and Alameda employees, the very people who until recently were the defendant’s underlings whom he supervised and financially compensated, and who are therefore most vulnerable to intimidation.

The Government does not consider it administrable to identify a more limited subset of former and current employees whom the defendant may not contact – the Government has not completed its investigation and is still identifying individuals with information relevant to the charges who may be potential trial witnesses.”

According to the DOJ, Bankman-Fried has already attempted to contact a witness, asking if they could reconnect to use each other as resources.

“It has recently come to the Government’s attention that the defendant has been in direct communication with the current General Counsel of FTX US who may be a witness at trial (‘Witness-1’), and who is represented by counsel. Specifically, on January 15, 2023, the defendant contacted Witness-1 over the encrypted messaging application Signal, as well as by email.”

ФТКС у почетку поднесен за банкрот у новембру прошле године након што је њена матична имовина пропала, и била је принуђена да заустави повлачење купаца. Њен оснивач, Банкман-Фриед, оптужен је за превару инвеститора и злоупотребу корисничких средстава од стране позајмљивање them out by the billions to Alameda, FTX’s trading branch, to make bets that went awry. He is currently ван уз кауцију чекајући суђење.

Ако буде осуђен, могао би правити преко 100 година затвора.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк / ЈЛСтоцк

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/01/29/doj-seeks-to-cut-off-sam-bankman-frieds-communication-with-key-people-involved-in-fraud-trial/