ИЦБМ Екпо – језгро технологија које мењају игру

The biggest International Crypto, Blockchain, and Metaverse exhibition, ICBM Expo, is around the corner. Events360 Group gladly announces the great platform to drag exhibitors, traders, specialists, and fans from the neck of the wood and globally. Therefore, mark March 3–4, 2023, to attend the most significant technology exhibition. Conferences will happen for two (02) consecutive days of the exhibition at a constant pace at the Festival Arena, Festival City Dubai – UAE.

ICBM Expo is the only enormous meetup opportunity for tech companies to come up with all their pioneering offers. Moreover, people visiting it are expected to know about groundbreaking technologies, intelligent and safe business, and investment opportunities. They will discover what companies have to offer as products or projects and in which direction they are heading. This exhibition plus conference features more than 100 tech companies with above 50 speakers and expects more than 10,000 visitors daily. 

Moreover, the entry passes of the ICBM Expo are real NFTs. An extensive network of metaverse, cryptocurrency, and blockchain professionals from various exchanges, payment, liquidity solution providers, NFT, ICO, play-to-earn projects, metaverse, influential industry experts, and executives will come together for the two-day event.

Most importantly, doors are open to all the trendsetters in the fintech industry and the new startups to discover the opportunities. It is all about innovation; ICBM Expo is avidly looking for emerging tech companies revolutionizing the cryptocurrency, blockchain, and metaverse industries. Moreover, there is a separate startup village in which the founders will get an opportunity to pitch their innovative ideas to investors and close massive investments.

Дубаи има огроман потенцијал за регулисање догађаја у вези са технологијом и усвајање најсавременијих иновација. Влада Уједињених Арапских Емирата напредује у изградњи робусне дигиталне економије и искоришћавању предности и погодности које са њом долазе. Посетиоци ће знати како да комуницирају једни са другима дигитално и да развију осећај заједништва користећи аватаре у метаверзуму.

У случају видео игара, заштита се може купити уз дигиталну готовину, између многих других ствари. Корисници могу да уживају и бесциљно прелазе метаверзум користећи слушалице за виртуелну стварност и контролере. Научиће како учесници могу да потврде трансакције користећи блоцкцхаин технологију без потребе за централизованом клириншком кућом. То је пеер-то-пеер мрежа децентрализованих књига за све послове. НФТ (незаменљиви токени) се могу користити за показивање власништва над јединственим ставкама. Слично, ствари као што су уметничка дела, драгоцености, па чак и некретнине могу бити токенизоване. Нико не може да промени евиденцију о власништву над средством или да копира/налепи нови НФТ у постојање, што је начин на који Етхереум блоцкцхаин обезбеђује власништво над инвестицијом.

These virtual worlds are incredibly engaging and have significant economic and social potential. By utilizing the blockchain structure, people may access the larger digital economy and make virtual goods exchangeable for actual economic value outside the metaverse. As this interest in learning about and participating in digital asset investment and business opportunities has grown significantly in recent days, ICBM Expo guarantees to be an event of new talks and networking for the emergence of institutional interest and the expansion of crypto-focused venture capital, among other things.

Одличне вести за децу; родитељи могу да креирају новчаник за криптовалуте за своје дете и да поставе периодичне донације тако што су свесни Црипто фор Кидс. Прихватаће поклоне од родбине и пријатеља који им се одмах стављају у новчаник. 

Moreover, ICBM Expo is an essential thought-leadership venue, with a new lineup of key influencers leading talks about the future of relevant industries. It is not to miss the exhibition with insightful and exciting conversations expected on new game-changing technologies (including blockchain, metaverse, and virtual assets), gamefi, DeFi (decentralized finance), investing in virtual real estate, the future of internet Web 3.0, digital payment solutions and getaways, talk on ICO/STO, progress in crypto space, AI and VR role in the metaverse and much more. A stellar lineup of conference speakers is already in the works, with some of the world’s most powerful influencers and officials expected to participate. Attendees see networking opportunities with significant industry executives, investors, and guided business contacts.

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Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/icbm-expo-the-nucleus-of-game-changing-technologies/