Представљамо ВАЦ Лаб – Веб3 програм стипендирања за институције уметности и културе

Berlin, Germany, 23rd March, 2022,

We Are Museums, an international community of museum professionals, and TZ Connect, Berlin-based team dedicated to advancing the Tezos ecosystem, announce the launch of a new program titled ВАЦ Фелловсхип (Web3 for the Arts and Culture) that will begin on April 18. After launching a successful weekly discussion program, WAC Weekly, in December 2021, this new initiative is designed to guide arts and culture professionals through the exciting opportunities provided by Web3 innovations.

Покреће га Тезос ecosystem, the WAC Fellowship is an 8-week program to learn about Web3 and build a project for the arts and culture from scratch, intensive and immersive educational programs, mentorships, and hands-on sessions.

The WAC Fellowship program will focus on three areas: how arts and culture institutions can use Web3 technology to further their mission for social good; the ways institutions can include Web3 in their commitment to environmental justice; and Web3 as a navigation tool through the financial crisis weighing down on the culture sector.

Beginning on April 18, the education program will offer a comprehensive body of knowledge and new practices. Covering the basics of блоцкцхаин combined with a set of hands-on and future-thinking sessions to identify new use cases, it is composed of:

  • Обука за НФТ, ДАО, енкрипцију, ДеФи, механизме консензуса, пророчишта и још много тога. 
  • Workshop on the futures of the Web3 in Culture and Arts: a UNESCO-inspired Futures Literacy Lab in collaboration with MOTI Foundation.
  • Blockchain tech reality check: everything that is and isn’t могућ 
  • Менторске сесије један на један са технолозима и стратезима
  • Weekly informal conversations where fellows meet the people shaping the space today, in collaboration with Blockchain Art Directory 2.0.
  • Приступ ресурсима укључујући најновије рецензије штампе, мапирање екосистема, библиотеку знања са туторијалима и корисним линковима и библиографијама, и библиотеку отвореног кода за развој нових пројеката, у сарадњи са Блоцкцхаин Арт Дирецтори 2.0.

Да се ​​пријавите за WAC Fellowship program, кликните онre. The deadline for applications is April 4 at noon UTC.

On March 28 at 4pm UTC, an informational event will be organized to introduce the WAC Fellowship in detail and answer questions, followed by a creative “Idea Lab” to brainstorm new use cases of Web3 for arts and culture institutions. Interested in joining? Региструјте овде.

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About We Are Museums:

As a result of a long journey of international conferences and local gatherings, We Are Museums opened its online platform in March 2020 to create more international gatherings, game-changing conversations, and industry-challenge solving programs. Today, the fields of discussion and exchange of the community revolve around the environmental, health and social crises, how museums are redefining their collections, understanding and fostering the development of new immersive technologies in museums, and learning how to envision better futures. https://wearemuseums.com/

About TZ Connect:

TZ Connect is a Berlin-based team that builds open-source software, provides support to projects and companies building on Tezos, and bridges different players within the Tezos ecosystem. https://www.tzconnect.com/en/

О Тезосу:

Tezos is smart money, redefining what it means to hold and exchange value in a digitally connected world. A self-upgradable and energy-efficient blockchain with a proven track record, Tezos seamlessly adopts tomorrow’s innovations without network disruptions today. For more information, please visit https://tezos.com/.

Одрицање од одговорности. Ово је плаћено саопштење за јавност. Читаоци треба да обаве сопствену дужну пажњу пре предузимања било каквих радњи у вези са промовисаном компанијом или било којом од њених филијала или услуга. Цриптополитан.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно узрокован коришћењем или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/introducing-wac-lab-a-web3-fellowship-program-for-the-arts-and-culture-institutions/