Нови подаци показују да је Унигло (ГЛО) у тренду испред Фантома (ФТМ) и ТХОРЦхаина (РУНЕ)

We’re constantly reading about how DeFi tokens are going to the moon again. Pundits are enamored by popular altcoins such as Fantom’s FTM and THORchain’s RUNE coin. However, the best time to have gotten into these projects is prior to their launch while they were still in ICO mode. Now, you’re just looking at risky and volatile assets. While they may make great investments, no one really knows. 

Given that thought, here’s a new altcoin in the DeFi DAO space, that you can get your hands on before it becomes publicly available on exchanges. It’s called GLO. It’s the native token of the Uniglo DAO.

Uniglo is a new type of investment DAO that makes it easy to invest in a diversified portfolio of crypto assets including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and also real-world assets like gold, collectibles, and antiquities that have been tokenized. 

First, building a portfolio like this on your own could be very time-consuming, and your odds of beating the market are low. Second, some of the assets that Uniglo plans to invest in are out of the reach of the average investor (such as bluechip NFTs and prime metaverse real estate). And third, DAOs take advantage of swarm intelligence and often outperform solo investors. 

Being that Uniglo is a DAO all holders of the GLO token get to vote on all investment activities of the community. This includes which assets to buy, when to take profits, and how many GLO tokens get burned each month.

The treasury is funded by a 5% royalty on all purchases and sales of GLO tokens. What this means is that the value of the treasury is constantly going up. And that’s no matter which way the market is headed. In fact, the more volatile the market gets, the faster the treasury grows. Also, 1% of all aftermarket sales of GLO is automatically burned. This assures a constantly falling circulating supply.

Taken together, the eternally growing treasury and deflationary tokenomics greatly favor early investors and long-term holders while discouraging short-term traders. 

Fortunately, the project is currently in ICO mode. Early adopters can get some GLO for just $0.013 a pop. Even a small investment now could turn into a very nice nest egg in the future. 

The platform is scheduled to launch in October. Prior to launch, all unsold tokens will be burned. This could greatly increase the value of GLO just as it’s becoming available to the public. No new tokens will ever be minted. 

If you’re an experienced trader, sure, go ahead and play with FTM and RUNE. Just don’t get burned. However, if you’re a long-term investor, the deflationary tokenomics, eternally growing treasury, and the rules of the DAO make GLO a no-brainer. 

Сазнајте више овде

Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.uniglo.io/register 

Сајт: https://uniglo.io

телеграм: https://t.me/GloFoundation

Дискорд: https://discord.gg/a38KRnjQvW

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/GloFoundation1

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/19/new-data-shows-uniglo-glo-trending-ahead-of-fantom-ftm-and-thorchain-rune/