Анализа цена Схиба Инуа: СХИБ/УД се бори за 0.00002200 долара

ТЛ; ДР Анализа

  • Анализа цена Схиба Ину данас је медведска.
  • Снажан отпор на 0.00003414 долара.
  • Трговачка цена СХИБ-а је 0.00002127 долара.

Today’s Shiba Inu price analysis reveals a bearish movement in the market. Bears seemed to have exhausted their strength, but bear behavior suggests the opposite; they are again taking control of the market. As a result, the price of SHIB experienced a stable trend with minor fluctuations and reached $0.00002269, from $0.00002338; on January 23, 2022, the price maintained a steady trend.

Today, on January 24, 2022, the price has been experiencing ups and downs, causing the price of SHIB to remain around the $0.00002200 threshold. As a result, SHIB/USD price has reached $0.00002127 while attaining a small segment of its previously lost value. SHIB currently trades at $0.00002127. Shiba Inu has been down 3.02% in the last 24 hours, with a trading volume of $1,599,442,222.

СХИБ/УСД 4-часовна анализа: Најновија дешавања

The Shiba Inu price analysis has revealed the market following a bearish trend with the volatility decreasing, making the cryptocurrency’s price less vulnerable to volatile change on either extreme. Consequently, the upper limit of the Bollinger’s band is present at $0.00002662, which acts as the strongest resistance for SHIB. Conversely, the lower limit of the Bollinger’s band is available at $0.00001778, which acts as the strongest support for SHIB.

The SHIB/USD price appears to be crossing under the Moving Average curve, making the market bearish. The price has entered the bearish domain with tangible signs of possible bullish activity. The bears have taken over the market in the last few hours and possibly hold their stance.

Shiba Inu Price Analysis: SHIB/UD struggles for $0.00002200 1
СХИБ/УСД 4-часовни извор графикона цена: ТрадингВиев

The Shiba Inu price analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) score is 39, making SHIB/USD fall in the lower neutral region. However, the price follows a downward trend indicating further depreciation and the dominance of the selling activity.

Анализа цене Схиба Инуа за 1 дан: Проширена волатилност

Анализа цена Схиба Инуа открила је пад тржишта. Штавише, чини се да волатилност тржишта прати растући тренд, чинећи цену Схиба Инуа подложнијом флуктуацијама волатилности. Као резултат тога, горња граница Болингерове траке је присутна на 0.00003414 долара, што служи као највећи отпор за СХИБ. Насупрот томе, доња граница Болингеровог опсега постоји на 0.00002095 долара, што делује као најјача подршка за СХИБ.

The SHIB/USD price appears to cross under the curve of the Moving Average, signifying a bearish movement. Furthermore, the price seems to be following an inclining trend entering the previously broken support.

Shiba Inu Price Analysis: SHIB/UD struggles for $0.00002200 2
Извор графикона 1-дневне цене СХИБ/УСД: ТрадингВиев

The Shiba Inu price analysis reveals the Relative Strength Index (RSI) score to be 31, signifying an undervalued cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the RSI falls in the depreciation region. Following a downwards direction, it is signaling movement away from stability and depreciation in the value of SHIB, representing the selling activity exceeding the buying activity, causing the RSI score to decrease.

Закључак анализе цене Схиба Инуа:

Анализа цена Схиба Инуа закључује да криптовалута прати медвеђи тренд. Међутим, Схиба Ину је поново добио огроман биковски потенцијал како се волатилност тржишта повећава. Штавише, очекује се да ће се тржишни тренд за неколико дана потпуно променити, што ће повећати вредност за СХИБ. Стога можемо очекивати биковско тржиште у наредним данима. Међутим, медведи имају упориште на тржишту, што га чини тешким за бикове.

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Извор: хттпс://ввв.цриптополитан.цом/схиба-ину-прице-аналисис-2022-01-24/