Да ли треба да додате Ориен (ОРИ), Схиба Ину (СХИБ) и Догецоин (ДОГЕ) у свој портфељ у септембру?

Should you add Oryen (ORY), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Dogecoin (DOGE) to your portfolio in September? Definitely! These three tokens are set to make gains before the year ends. Oryen (ORY), in particular, offers two ways to make massive gains: first, by growing at launch, and second, by providing a fixed 90% annual return forever.

Оријен (ОРИ)

Oryen (ORY) is a stable digital currency that is built for staking. The Oryen protocol has an auto compounding system that enables payment to all ORY stakers 24 times a day or every 60 minutes. This means that investors ultimately achieve a 90% annual percentage yield (APY).

The Oryen protocol also has a self-equalizing mechanism integrated into a special wallet. The wallet pertains to the protocol’s Risk-Free Value (RFV) feature, which backs rebase rewards when the BNB/ORY pair supply reaches a certain percentage of the total supply. The algorithm behind RFV pays close attention to the level of daily ROI distributed to all token holders. When RFV gains for the day are lower than the total daily ROI, the Oryen Treasury acts as added support by filling the difference.

The RFV and the Treasury are security measures that help ensure a fixed return for all ORY stakers every 60 minutes. These two features are built with the help of taxes within the Oryen ecosystem.

Схиба Ину (СХИБ)

SHIB is also a good addition to your portfolio. Shiba Inu is a decentralized cryptocurrency that enables investors to hold millions of SHIB tokens in their wallets. Launched in August 2020, the Shiba Inu protocol has grown due to a loyal community that advocates for SHIB. It maintains a large token supply that stands at approximately 549 trillion. To fuel the price of SHIB, the protocol implements massive burns that impact the price of the token.

Догецоин (ДОГЕ)

Dogecoin is another good addition. Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency launched in 2013. It entered the market earlier than Shiba Inu and, indeed, inspired the latter’s creation. Dogecoin is a payment system originally meant to amuse the market but has instead grown into a popular altcoin.


Out of the three cryptos we listed above, ORY is the latest project to enter the market. This also means it is built with key insights gleaned from the current bearish sentiments and economic turmoil. While SHIB, DOGE, and ORY are solid investment picks for September, ORY is the one that offers a long-term wealth-building solution.

Сазнајте више овде:

Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Сајт: https://oryennetwork.io/

телеграм: https://t.me/OryenNetwork

Дискорд: https://discord.com/invite/jSvaXmb2cB

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/oryennetwork

Одрицање од одговорности: Било која информација написана у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту не представља савет за инвестирање. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом не подржава и неће подржавати било коју информацију о било којој компанији или појединцу на овој страници. Читаоци се подстичу да сами истражују и предузму било какве радње на основу сопствених налаза, а не на било ком садржају написаном у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом је и неће бити одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован директно или индиректно коришћењем било ког садржаја, производа или услуге поменуте у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/29/should-you-add-oryen-ory-shiba-inu-shib-and-dogecoin-doge-to-your-portfolio-in-september/