Данашњи Вордле #638 савет, трагови и одговор за недељу, 19. март

Howdy, folks! It’s Sunday at last and today I’m off to watch the Тамнице и змајеви movie with some friends and family. It’s showing a couple weeks early at select theaters for Amazon Prime members, which is pretty cool. I’ll report back here on this blog with my review.

Тренутно гледам Сукцесија as well, binging the first three seasons before Season 4 premieres next Sunday. I’m getting close to the end of Season 2 and the HBO business family drama has absolutely won me over. I was a bit skeptical when I started watching and the first couple episodes didn’t really click. But now I think it’s one of the best shows on TV, with some of the most extraordinary writing, acting and character development I’ve seen. Definitely check it out!

I’m also rewatching Иелловјацкетс on Showtime, which was one of my favorite shows of 2022. Season 2 premieres on the exact same day—next Sunday—as Succession, and I’ll be reviewing both of them. Иелловјацкетс is a lot scarier and more bizarre, but what makes both these shows so damn good is the great storytelling and the wonderfully complex—and deeply flawed—cast of characters. If you enjoy reading about and discussing TV shows give me a follow.

But we’re here for Wordle, aren’t we?

Okay, let’s go!

Како решити данашњи Вордле

Наговештај: Веровање.

Траг: Ова реч се завршава самогласником.





So, at first I was going to use ђаво as my opening guess and then I thought, “No, I should use something with both an ‘A’ and an ‘E’ in it, so I went with валес which really wasn’t any better at all. I was going to pick ђаво because I’m playing the Диабло ИВ Early Access Beta this weekend and wanted to use something demonic.

Of course, when I thought of the word demonic I realized that I could use демон for my second guess (ђаво was out thanks to the ‘V’) and this ended up being really perfect, slashing the 281 words I had remaining down to just 4.

Well, nothing compliments демон као хорда of demons so that’s what I went with for Guess #3, and from here there was just one option left: credo. I suppose my credo currently is that I believe in ending the demonic threat. I will slay demons by the thousand as a barbarian warrior delving dark dungeons and doing battle with nefarious evil. Sounds fun to me!

I asked ChatGPT to give us the story on the etymology of ‘credo’ and here’s the scoop:

The word “credo” comes from the Latin language, and it means “I believe”. It is the first word in the Apostles’ Creed, which is a statement of Christian beliefs.

The word “credo” is derived from the Latin verb “credere,” which means “to believe” or “to trust.” This verb is made up of two parts: “cre-” which means “to put one’s heart” and “-dere” which means “to give.” So, “credere” literally means “to give one’s heart.”

Over time, the word “credo” has come to be used more broadly to refer to any statement of belief or creed, not just the specific Christian one.

“I want to believe” was the credo of Fox Mulder on Кс-Филес. Некако.

In any case, have a lovely, lazy, lackadaisical Sunday folks!

Играјте Цомпетитиве Вордле Агаинст Ме!

Играо сам ужасну игру ПвП Вордле против мог непријатеља Вордле Бут. Сада би требало да играш против мене! Могу бити твој непријатељ! (И ваш корисни водич за Вордле, наравно).

Ево правила:

  • КСНУМКС поинт за добијање Вордлеа у 3 погађања.
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 2 погађања.
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у једном случају.
  • КСНУМКС поинт за пребијање Ерика
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 4 погађања.
  • -1 бод за добијање у 5 погађања.
  • -КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 6 погађања.
  • -КСНУМКС бодова за губљење.
  • -1 бод за пораз од Ерика

Даље читање од вас заиста:

ВИШЕ ОД ФОРБАНајбоље ТВ емисије 2022ВИШЕ ОД ФОРБА'Виллов' отказана на Диснеи Плус јер је напустила оно што је оригинални филм учинило одличним [Ажурирање: Можда не?]ВИШЕ ОД ФОРБАНајразочаравајуће ТВ емисије 2022ВИШЕ ОД ФОРБАКеану Реевес посвећује 'Јохн Вицк 4' Ленсу РеддикуВИШЕ ОД ФОРБАКако играти 'Диабло ИВ' бета рануВИШЕ ОД ФОРБА3 разлога зашто Бела Ремзи не би требало да буде преиначена у 2. сезони 'Последњи од нас' и 1 разлог зашто би то требалоВИШЕ ОД ФОРБА'Тхе Мандалориан' нам је управо дао најгору епизоду у целој емисији

Као и увек, волео бих да ме пратите овде на овом блогу и претплатите се на мој ИоуТубе канал и мој Субстацк како бисте могли да будете у току са свим мојим рецензијама и извештавањем о ТВ, филмовима и видео игрицама. Хвала!

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/03/18/todays-wordle-638-hint-clues-and-answer-for-sunday-march-19th/