Данашњи Вордле #698 савети, назнаке и одговори за четвртак, 18. мај

Another Thor’s Day, another Wordle!

I thought today we’d see what interesting, important and noteworthy things have taken place on the 18th of May over the course of history. After all, we need to know our history or we’ll be doomed to repeat it. (After a divorce or two, you’ll understand what that means!)

Some pretty big events went down over the last thousand years, from royal marriages to erupting volcanoes to social media companies going public.

На данашњи дан у историји:

  1. 1152: Henry II of England marries Eleanor of Aquitaine, who later becomes one of the most powerful queens in medieval Europe.
  2. 1642: The city of Montreal in Canada is founded by French missionary and explorer Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve.
  3. 1804: Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of the French, establishing the First French Empire.
  4. 1896: The U.S. Supreme Court delivers its landmark decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine.
  5. 1926: Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappears while visiting Venice Beach, California, sparking a massive search and media frenzy. She reappears weeks later, claiming to have been kidnapped.
  6. 1944: During World War II, the Battle of Monte Cassino concludes with the Allies’ victory over German forces, an important step toward liberating Italy.
  7. 1980: The eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State, United States, kills 57 people and causes significant destruction to the surrounding area.
  8. 1991: The Somaliland region declares independence from Somalia, although it has not been internationally recognized as a separate country.
  9. 2005: The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, also known as the Good Friday Agreement, comes into effect, aimed at bringing peace to Northern Ireland.
  10. 2012: Facebook, the social networking giant, has its initial public offering (IPO) on the NASDAQ stock exchange, becoming one of the largest tech IPOs in history.

I almost forgot, we also need to answer yesterday’s Wordle Wednesday riddle / logic puzzle. The riddle was:

Налазите се у тамничком лавиринту и стигли сте у последњу собу. Има два чувара и двоја врата. Једна врата воде у слободу, а друга у пећину чудовишта и сигурну смрт. Један чувар увек лаже, други увек говори истину. Они знају који су. Чувари знају куда иду двоја врата. Не знаш који је који стражар или која су врата која. Можете поставити једно питање. Шта тражите да одредите која врата воде у слободу?


You would ask, “If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would they say?” and then pick the opposite door. This is because the liar will lie about what the truth-teller would say, and point to the death door, whereas the truth-teller will tell the truth about what the liar would say and also point to the death door. So you know that whatever door is pointed to leads to death!

У реду, хајде да урадимо овај Вордле!

Како решити данашњи Вордле

Наговештај: A sheep relieved of its most prized possession.

Траг: Ова реч има много више сугласника него самогласника.





Данашња етимологија речи

The word “shorn” is the past participle of the verb “shear.” The term “shear” originated from the Old English word “scearan,” which means “to cut.” Over time, “scearan” evolved into “sheren” in Middle English, and eventually became “shear” in modern English.

The past participle form “shorn” developed through regular linguistic processes. In Old English, the past participle form was “scoren.” However, due to the influence of other verbs with similar forms, such as “torn” and “worn,” the “s” sound in “scoren” changed to “sh” to align with those patterns. Thus, “scoren” became “shoren” and later transformed into “shorn” as we know it today.

“Shorn” is commonly used to describe something that has been cut or trimmed, particularly in reference to shearing the wool off sheep or cutting hair. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate the removal or reduction of something.

Вордле Бот анализа

Након што завршим Вордле, увек одлазим да се пријавим Вордле Бот да видим како сам постигао гол, иу смислу сваког појединачног нагађања и да ли сам надмудрио бота или не.

Not bad, but for a moment there I thought I was getting this one in just two guesses. Four green boxes turned over on my second guess, and you can imagine how црестфаллен I was when the ‘E’ popped up grey.

Суђење only reduced my options to 210, but подупрети took me almost the rest of the way. Only one word remained: ошишан за победу!

Данашњи резултат: 1 point for guessing in three, 0 points for tying the Bot. Total: 1 point. Huzzah!

Играјте Цомпетитиве Вордле Агаинст Ме!

Играо сам ужасну игру ПвП Вордле против мог непријатеља Вордле Бут. Сада би требало да играш против мене! Могу бити твој непријатељ! (И ваш корисни водич за Вордле, наравно). Такође можете играти против Бота ако имате претплату на Нев Иорк Тимес.

  • Ево правила: 1 бод за добијање Вордлеа у 3 погађања.
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 2 погађања.
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у једном случају.
  • КСНУМКС поинт за пребијање Ерика
  • КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 4 погађања.
  • -1 бод за добијање у 5 погађања.
  • -КСНУМКС бодова за добијање у 6 погађања.
  • -КСНУМКС бодова за губљење.
  • -1 бод за пораз од Ерика

Можете или да водите евиденцију свог резултата ако је то ваш џем или једноставно да играте из дана у дан ако желите.

Волео бих да ме пратите Twitter или Фацебоок најдражи Вордлерс. Имају диван дан!

Као и увек, волео бих да ме пратите овде на овом блогу и претплатите се на мој ИоуТубе канал и мој Субстацк како бисте могли да будете у току са свим мојим рецензијама и извештавањем о ТВ, филмовима и видео игрицама. Хвала!

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/05/17/todays-wordle-698-hints-clues-and-answer-for-thursday-may-18th/