Стопа незапослености пала је на 3.5% у септембру пошто је тржиште рада отворило 263,000 радних места


The unemployment rate unexpectedly fell last month as the economy added another 263,000 jobs—signaling the labor market, which has remained one of the economy’s strongest pillars during the pandemic recovery, may not be cooling quickly enough for the Federal Reserve to ease up on interest rate hikes meant to combat inflation by slowing down the economy.

Кључне чињенице

Job gains in September were slightly lower than the 275,000 new jobs economists were expecting, according to data ослобођен Friday by the Labor Department; notable job gains occurred in healthcare, leisure and hospitality, the government said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%—coming in lower than expectations calling for it to remain flat at 3.7%—as the number of unemployed people dipped to 5.8 million from 6 million in August.

Кључна позадина

Упркос широко распрострањени извештаји of layoffs at giant corporations, the job market has remained one of the economy’s strongest pillars this year, and Fed officials have long pointed to the strength as evidence the economy can withstand additional rate hikes. According to Challenger, U.S. employers have announced plans to cut nearly 210,000 jobs this year, marking the lowest total for the period since at least 1993. However, recent data have signaled things may be changing. Hiring intentions, which measure the number of new jobs employers plan to add, fell to their lowest level since 2011, према фирми за услуге каријере Цхалленгер у четвртак. У међувремену, нова потраживања за незапослене Скочио 15% на 219,000 прошле недеље, што је више од пројектованог и окончава десетонедељни низ података који су бољи од очекиваних.

Ово је прича у развоју. Поново потражите исправке.

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/10/07/unemployment-rate-fell-to-35-in-september-as-labor-market-added-263000-jobs/