вЕмпире ће повећати ликвидност за фондове за улагање након изузетно успешне 2021

vEmpire DDAO published its investor report for the last quarter and overall performance in 2021, showcasing its incredible growth and success, Invezz learned from a press release.

The biggest decentralized NFT, metaverse, and GameFi investment organization in the world is an undisputed leader in the adoption of new Web3 technologies geared towards the Metaverse and Metaverse property investments.  

Lucrative staking strategies  

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vEmpire reported on its staking strategies in the ecosystems of Ethereum (ETH/USD), Axie Infinity (AXIE/USD), Sandbox (SAND/USD), Decentraland (MANA/USD), and Starlink. These generated profit of more than $4 million in Q4/2021. Staking options also made it possible for investors to participate in early distribution and investment in valuable plots within these Metaverses.

The organization recorded an additional $500,000 in NFT sales because vEmpire is an early Metaverse adopter. With new and valuable investments, the DDAO’s annual profit was over $18.5 million last year with a price-to-earnings ratio of 1.44.

Access to most valuable NFTs through vEmpire’s Ethereum pool  

vEmpire’s ETH pool gives more community members access to Bored Ape Yacht Club and other lucrative blue chip NFT protocols. Their ETH staking pool is valued at just over 1,000 ETH at the moment.

Dom Ryder, founder of vEmpire, commented:

Our users have contributed to staking tens of millions of dollars’ worth of Metaverse tokens on our platform, which has enabled us to build a decentralized Metaverse investment portfolio that represents the largest in the industry. Overall, we are extremely pleased with the performance and the quality assets we have acquired over the past quarter. I am pleased to say we are very much on track for the remainder of our roadmap. We are still incredibly early to the Metaverse.

Investors can use staking strategies to generate high-rate passive income. This can be done through event hosting and planning as well as P2E gaming. An exciting new feature of the Metaverse that’s coming up is resale of real estate property.

Next target: Building liquidity for staking pools

After a wildly successful 2021, vEmpire wants to grow liquidity for its staking pools in the first quarter of 2022. The decentralized investment organization has plans to grow long-term investment opportunities by adding new staking pools among other things.

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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/01/20/vempire-to-grow-liquidity-for-staking-pools-after-a-wildly-successful-2021/