Где купити Проспер (ПРОС) након што је ажурирао своју опскрбу

Prosper cryptocurrency had been bullish from Wednesday, September 21 to today morning before its price started dropping today. At press time, the price of Разлози had dropped by 9.52% to trade at $0.9568 down from a daily high of $1.14.

Today’s PROS price drop comes after the circulating supply of PROS tokens displayed on both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap was updated to reflect the true circulating supply of Prosper (PROS) tokens.

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Према цвркут by Prosper, the circulating supply update did not correspond to an increase in token supply but rather just an update of the displayed number to include all the DEXs LP liquidities.

To help traders seeking to take invest in Prosper (PROS) cryptocurrency, Invezz has prepared this brief guide on where to buy the token.

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Best places to buy Prosper token


Бинанце је експоненцијално порастао од свог оснивања 2017. године и сада је једна од, ако не и највећа берза крипто валута на тржишту.

Buy PROS with Binance today

What is Prosper?

Prosper is a non-custodial cross-chain hedging and prediction market platform that pioneered the technology of on-chain liquidity aggregation. It is based on Binance Smart Chain and Avalanche (АВАКС / УСД) and uses Chainlink (ЛИНК / УСД) oracle to provide accurate price feeds.

Prosper platform features include prediction insurance, binary liquidity model, on-chain liquidity aggregation and cross-chain support, fiat support, custom pools, DAO governance, and prediction mining.

The platform has a native token denoted as PROS, which is used as a prediction insurance token, a DAO governance token, a commission token, and a premium/subscription token.

Should I buy PROS today?

If you want to invest in a native cryptocurrency of a prediction market and hedging platform, then Prosper could be a good choice.

However, the crypto market is highly volatile and it is already evident with the current price retracement that has seen PROS’ price slide below $1 in a matter of hours.

Prosper price prediction

Analysts are optimistic that PROS will rise to $2.00 if it breaks through the resistance level at $1.60.

However, that will depend on whether the token recovers from the current retracement that has seen it lose its $1.49 support.

$PROS social media trends

Уложите у крипто, акције, ЕТФ-ове и још више за неколико минута са нашим преферираним посредником, еТоро.


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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/09/23/where-to-buy-prosper-pros-cryptocurrency/