Где купити данашњи пад акција Фирст Мајестиц Силвер Цорп. (АГ) након дводневног скока

After a splendid performance for the last two days, the First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG) has dipped today by 1.94%.

The improved performance is pegged on the company’s announcement of its fourth-quarter production for 2021 where it reached a new record of 8.6 million silver ounces. In general the full year 2021 production reached a new record for the company with “26.9 million silver equivalent ounces,” comprising of “12.8 million silver ounces and 192,353 gold ounces”, which is a 32% increase compared to production in 2020.

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The company gave production guidance for 2022 where it anticipates hitting “35.8 million silver equivalent ounces”, consisting of “12.2 to 13.5 million ounces of silver and 258,000 to 288,000 ounces of gold”.

To help stock investors interested in investing in First Majestic Silver Corp. stock, Invezz has created a brief article on what it is and where to buy it.

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Where to trade First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG)


еТоро је једна од водећих светских платформа за трговање више средстава која нуди неке од најнижих стопа провизија и накнада у индустрији. Друштвене функције за трговање копијама чине га одличним избором за оне који започињу.

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Финансијска компанија вођена технологијом и нуди све-у-једном самоуправну инвестициону платформу која пружа одлично корисничко искуство.

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What is First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG)?

First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG) is the stock of First Majestic Silver Corp. Company and it trades in the US on the New York Stock exchange (NYSE) under the symbol AG U.S.: NYSE. It is also listed on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) under the ticker TSE: FR

In a brief, the First Majestic Silver Corp. is a Canadian silver mining company that is based in the US and Mexico. It currently has four operational mines; one in San Dimas that mines silver and gold, another in Santa Elena that mines silver and gold, another in La Encantada that only mines silver, and last in Jerrit Canyon that mines gold.

The company also produces and sells bullion bars and rounds.

Should I buy First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG) today?

If you want to invest in a surging mining company stock, then First Majestic Silver Corp. stock could be a good choice.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that the stock is currently in recess and it is not known how far the pullback shall go especially since it just started.

First Majestic Silver Corp. stock (AG) price prediction

The First Majestic Silver Corp. stock has been on the rise since January 18 and analysts expect it to hit $$12 before the end of January if it corrects the current recess.

$AG stock social media coverage

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67% малопродајних ЦФД рачуна губи новац

Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/01/21/where-to-buy-todays-first-majestic-silver-corp-stock-ag-dip-after-a-two-days-surge/