КСРП бикови су непоколебљиви због уклањања Цоинбасе-а, што повећава цену токена

XRP still holds a буллисх sentiment despite новости emerging on November 29 that crypto exchange Цоинбасе will end the wallet support services for the seventh-ranked digital asset by market capitalization. 

As things stand, XRP is trading at $0.40, gaining over 2% in the last 24 hours. Furthermore, the weekly chart indicates Ripple’s native token has rallied by almost 7%. 

The rally followed a brief stint where XRP experienced significant selling pressure as investors appeared to take out profits. The trend saw XRP lose over $800 million in capital within a day. 

КСРП седмодневни графикон цена. Извор: Финболд

Coinbase wallet withdrawing XRP support

In recent weeks, XRP has mainly traded in the green zone defying the general крипто тржиште price movement leading to a ​​three week consecutive green candle. However, the delisting by Coinbase, was presumably a catalyst for a possible correction. 

XRP one-month candle chart. Source: TradingView

Notably, Coinbase Wallet announced it would no longer support XRP, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Етхереум Цлассиц (ETC), и Стелар (XLM), effective December 5, citing low usage. 

However, it can be assumed that XRP’s momentum is a result of Ripple Labs’ minor wins from the ongoing case by the Securities Exchange Commission (ДИК). In this line, legal experts project that the case might be ruled in favour of Ripple, a bullish catalyst for the XRP rally. 

For instance, XRP rallied after the presiding judge ruled on the примопредаја Хинманових докумената и одобрење поднесака амикусих поднесака

КСРП анализа цена

Furthermore, based on the recent XRP price movement, the community has focused on attaining the $0.5 level, which can usher in a trajectory towards $1. In this case, a Finbold извештај indicated that XRP needs to break above $0.40; thereafter it can target a move to around $0.45. 

Истовремено, у а цвркут 30. новембра, крипто трговање expert Michael van de Poppe believes the XRP can target the level of $0.49. 

XRP price chart. Source: TradingView

As the XRP community looks forward to the conclusion of the SEC case, the asset’s техничка анализа is neutral. The summary of the daily gauges on ТрадингВиев aligns with ‘neutral’ at 10, similar to покретни просеци at one. Elsewhere, осцилатори are for ‘buy’ at two.

XRP technical analysis. Source: Tradingview

Finally, the XRP community on CoinMarketCap remains буллисх. Као пријавио од стране Финболда, заједница предвиђа да ће се КСРП трговати по цени од 0.42 долара до краја 2022. 

odricanje: Садржај на овом сајту не треба сматрати саветом за инвестирање. Улагање је шпекулативно. Када инвестирате, ваш капитал је у опасности. 

Source: https://finbold.com/xrp-bulls-unmoved-by-coinbase-delisting-pushes-tokens-price-higher/