5 најбољих НФТ игара које би требало да погледате ове недеље

NFT games combine traditional gaming mechanics with non-traditional ones, which are frequently focused on НФТ. Not only are NFTs used in the game mechanisms, but also in the rules and player interactions of these games. For instance, you might be able to collect NFTs from the items you find in-game and trade NFTs with other players.

Players can also find играти за зарадити НФТ игре that let players make money while they play. Players in these games are rewarded with tokens, and the more time they spend playing, the more tokens they can earn.

Here are the top 5 NFT Games you should check out this week

  1. Акие Инфинити
  2. РоботЕра
  3. Песковник
  4. Тамадоге
  5. Илувијум

1. Акие Инфинити

One of the top NFT games, Акие Инфинити, has 2.8 million daily active players. Players can acquire AXS tokens through this game’s play-to-earn feature, which they can then use to participate in the platform’s governance. To begin, players purchase three Axies, which are digital pets they can raise to eventually produce generations of these creatures. Each Axie transmits its traits, weaknesses, and strengths to its offspring through genetic inheritance.

2. РоботЕра

A wide variety of specially created tools are available in the NFT game RobotEra (TARO), which enables players to create experiences within a Metaverse world. Players can interact with one another and play games in the RobotEra метаверзум, which helps to build up a supportive community. It’s a great time to check out the project since RobotEra’s native TARO token just went on presale.

Такође читајте: Моја комшиница Алиса: Увод у крипто игру "Плаи-то-Еарн".

3. Пешчаник

A community-driven NFT platform called Песковник is similar to Minecraft in that it’s more of a creator platform than a game. Users’ own voxel ASSETS, which can be turned into NFTs and uploaded to the market, can be created and animated. The games that users develop on the platform are then updated to include these NFTs. Players or creators can make money off the games they make and sell the ESTATES they design with The Sandbox. As they play games on the platform, they can also earn rewards.

4. Тамадоге

An upcoming NFT game called Tamadoge draws inspiration from the Doge community. The metaverse, where players can breed and train their Tamadoge pets, is where this cryptocurrency game is being developed. In order to unlock more rewards, players can compete against their Tamadoge NFTs with the goal of topping the game’s leaderboard each month. As the game’s features develop, augmented reality encounters will be added. It also enables players to communicate with one another in the metaverse.

5. Илувијум

Илувијум is an open-world exploration game that allows players to explore seven extraordinary alien landscapes and collect the strange animals they encounter. These creatures, known as Illuvials, have special abilities that can be improved as you train them. This will raise the value of the Illuvials. Along with other НФТ предмети and farmed materials, players can sell or trade these illuvials on the market. This play-to-earn game is currently in beta and offers players the chance to earn cryptocurrency in

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Source: https://coingape.com/5-top-nft-games-you-should-check-out-this-week/