Цардано НФТ: Дрункен Драгон – Тхе Цриптономист

Овонедељни гост на Цардано НФТ колона је пројекат који је building the most epic fantasy universe to experience our love for fantasy and share meaningful experiences: Друнк Драгон.

Прошлонедељни гост био completely voluntary charity fundraising campaign to support the 33 million+ victims of the devastating floods ravaging Pakistan.

Ова иницијатива је референтна тачка за НФТ на Цардану и сваке недеље-две ћемо позвати некога да нам одговори на нека питања и да нам да ажурирање директно из заједнице Цардано.

С обзиром да су многи наши читаоци нови у крипто простору, имаћемо а мешавина једноставних и техничких питања.

Cardano NFT project: Drunken Dragon

Cardano NFT project Drunken Dragon
Cardano NFT project Drunken Dragon is a fantasy franchise

Hey, great to have you here. Please introduce your team, where are you from, what are your backgrounds?

Хеј! Моје име је Terrorhertz а ја сам управник заједнице цонтент цреатор овде у Drunken Dragon Entertainment. Our team consists of people from all round the globe across multiple time zones. I’m from Енглеска, but we have people from Asia, South America, and Europe but the main hub of developers and artists reside in Мексико

The majority of us have a background with a passion for gaming and art which has led to us being here today. We are all super excited to showcase the next projects of The Drunken Dragon with Idle Adventures и DDU App долази ускоро.

What is Drunken Dragon? How are you using NFTs and why have you chosen Cardano for your project?

The Drunken Dragon is a fantasy franchise and we are building the most epic fantasy universe to experience our love for fantasy and share смислена искуства with old and new friends. 

We want to revolutionise the fantasy world of which we want to explore multiple mediums using the blockchain as our foundation. We wish to use НФТ as part of a bigger ecosystem (the Drunken Dragon Universe) that allows us to create and share our vision with the gaming and fantasy community. 

Drunken Dragon Inn
Screenshot from the Drunken Dragon Inn

We use Cardano due to the energy efficiency, the speed of transaction as well as working alongside trusted technology partners, such as Геније Кс Пројецт Цаталист. We also love the use of stake pools and delegators that allow our community to earn rewards as we grow.

Your whitepaper features the term “Decentralized Intellectual Property”. What is it and what problems does it solve?

Many times in popular media we see many large companies in legal battles regarding who and what is owned by who. Направити Decentralised Intellectual Property model will allow the Drunken Dragon universe to empower content creators to create their content using the Drunken Dragon as a foundation with no legal recourse

Other intellectual properties (Star Wars for example) don’t allow third party creators to use their IP but at the Drunken Dragon we embrace the use of our content so that each digital asset, idea or untangle property can be used by the creator en masse to contribute to the universe alongside building their own ideas.

What does the future hold? Where do you envision Drunken Dragon in the years to come?

We hope to revolutionise the fantasy genre and aim to be alongside other franchises (such as LOTR) and as the world accommodates the future of Web3 we want to be there at the forefront of the new technologies as we embrace a change and shift in how the Internet is used and how we communicate with each other

Our initial plan is to build a stable foundation of titles (our Idle Adventures and Drunken Dragon Inn) but in the future hope to showcase Drunken Dragon in multiple different media facets such as television, podcasts, books, comics and more.

Drunken Dragon NFT
4 pieces from the Drunken Dragon NFT collection

Thanks for your time. Any closing words? Where can people learn more about the project?

Имамо wonderful and thriving community на нашем Дискорд where we all share the love of fantasy and the desire for NFTs to be integrated in a positive way and will welcome any adventurer into our tavern with a beer held in the air! 

We have lots of great concepts coming up so please make sure to будите у току Нашем Twitter ИоуТубе as we share the Drunken Dragon with the world. We can’t wait to share with you all of our products in the short and long term and hope to see you with us soon!

Одрицање од одговорности: Мишљења и ставови интервјуисаних људи су њихова лична и не одражавају нужно ставове Цардано фондације или ИОГ. Штавише, овај садржај је у образовне сврхе, не представља финансијски савет.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/09/25/cardano-nft-column-drunken-dragon/