Цардано НФТ: јпг.сторе – Тхе Цриптономист

Овонедељни гост на Цардано НФТ колона је један од most used NFT stores on Cardano working hard towards supporting creators and building a great solution for users: јпг.сторе.

Претходни гост био DID (Decentralized Identity) solution helping with verification of NFT projects, among other things.

Ова иницијатива је референтна тачка за НФТ на Цардану и сваке недеље-две ћемо позвати некога да нам одговори на нека питања и да нам да ажурирање директно из заједнице Цардано.

С обзиром да су многи наши читаоци нови у крипто простору, имаћемо а мешавина једноставних и техничких питања.

Cardano NFT project: jpg.store

Cardano NFT jpg.store
Cardano NFT project jpg.store is the number 1 for trading volumes

Hey, it’s great to have you here. Tell us something about your team

The team originally started with 4 team members, all friends from the same area. Which has grown to over 30 people spread across 5 continents and 10+ countries! Most of the team was brought in from within the Cardano community.

Please tell us the story behind jpg.store. How did the idea come about and what was your experience in building an NFT marketplace on Cardano? Did you encounter any complications with the EUTXO model?

Our entire purpose is to support creators & to empower the world with the power of NFTs па то значи we keep our finger on the pulse. We simply focused on truly empathizing with our creator & user needs. Then we built the most exceptional experience which we would love using ourselves based on the community’s valuable feedback.

Thank you everyone – Keep overwhelming us with your dream ideas because we are absolutely taking note!

And sure, this may seem simple… but coming in “late” after other marketplaces already achieved significant momentum was pretty risky and bold. Nonetheless, all it took for us to claim the #1 NFT throne on Cardano was committing to the immense empathy and passion we embody for supporting the entire NFT space. I guess people love it when you truly see them and listen to their needs, so we’ll always be all ears for you.

Cardano NFT jpg.store
jpg.store allows buying NFTs with credit cards

Now touching on eUTxO and building on Cardano.

Да, Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently the top dogs, and we love them for jumpstarting this decentralized world we passionately build within. But what are the chances that the first attempts are заправо la најбоља решења for years to come?

They built their best with what was available at the time. But Cardano understood that blockchain knowledge advances at lightspeed and there existed a new way to innovate and advance in this space.

Instead of copying what had worked in the past, Cardano reimagined what the tech would look like if it was built from scratch today, while maintaining swift upgradability forever. It took all the lessons from the past, aimed hundreds of years into the future, and recruited all the brightest minds the world of academia and science had to offer.

This philosophy and privilege to learn from its predecessors led to innovations such as eUTxO and Proof of Stake amongst other key advancements. This new Cardano design is what really gets us hyped for the possibilities of NFTs and for the exciting future JPG is nurturing along.

As with all new and advanced tech, there was definitely a learning curve and that’s okay. We had to learn how to code with eUTxO and understand how it could create a better user experience. This all took thoughtful consideration but the payoff is so worth it!

Cardano NFTs now behave in ways other chains can only dream of. Here’s just a taste of the innovation so far:

  • Иоу цан send dozens of different tokens and NFTs in a single affordable transaction in a matter of seconds instead of 1 asset per transaction.
  • Потреба да send multiple assets to hundreds of people? You can do that in a single transaction такође!
  • Цардано НФТс are “native assets” which means they don’t need smart contracts to run. This повећава сигурност and keeps fees predictable.

All of this comes standard for every Cardano user with no chance of getting charged for a failed send. These are meaningful advantages and worth every challenge we overcame in working with this new architecture.

Now let’s connect it all with real life examples! Employers using Cardano can instantly blast out entire payrolls to thousands of employees in hundreds of global currencies, all in a single transaction. Musicians with Cardano NFT collections can send every fan a thank you NFT, new song release, and exclusive album art in one quick send. And maybe even governments will one day send out stimulus checks to every citizen instantly appearing in their wallets. This way governments of the future may choose to efficiently boost the economy from the people up, instead of giving trillions to single businesses with trickle-down economics.

This is powerful stuff which other chains simply will not be able to copy from Cardano. Our eUTxO architecture is different down to the very core of its “DNA” and stands to be a gamechanger for the entire NFT industry.

What’s the story behind your name? Why are so many people sceptical of this technology and what can be done to change this?

It does refer to the “outsider” notion that NFTs are just JPGs. Our branding has always been playful and easily approachable since we want people to have fun in the NFT space.

Many people don’t trust cryptocurrencies and NFTs but they lack knowledge in these topics. To demystify this subject, we are actively posting educational content and guides on our social platforms so that every newcomer can have a positive experience and easily understand the misconceptions about NFTs and cryptocurrencies in general.

Cardano NFT jpg.store
jpg.store ran a stress test by minting the NFT collection JPG’s Chonky Hippo

Congratulations on being Cardano’s number 1 NFT marketplace per volume. What does the future hold? Where do you see jpg.store in 1, 5 and 10 years respectively?

Thank you! We envision a great future for jpg.store and want to be a large contributor to the growth of the NFT and crypto space.

Within 1 year we’d love to have solidified our spot as a player in the same levels as marketplaces on Solana and Ethereum.

By the 5 year mark, we want to be the biggest NFT marketplace in the world, supporting creators in their NFT journey and presenting Cardano and its incredible vision to the masses.

We want to maintain this spot 10 years from now and, by then, hopefully have a large amount of work and partnerships under our belt, where we onboard the largest companies in the world to the NFT/crypto space.

Хвала вам на издвојеном времену. Има ли завршне речи? Где људи могу остати у контакту?

Ми бисмо волели да thank everyone that supported us from day 1 and shared JPG when it was getting started. The evolution and the move to a smart-contract powered marketplace wouldn’t have happened without every single one of you.

Иоу цан остати у контакту with us in our Twitter profile иу нашем Дискорд канал! All our links can be found here.

Одрицање од одговорности: Мишљења и ставови интервјуисаних људи су њихова лична и не одражавају нужно ставове Цардано фондације или ИОГ. Штавише, овај садржај је у образовне сврхе, не представља финансијски савет.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/12/17/cardano-nft-column-jpg-store/