Пета годишњица ЦоинЛоан-а обележена посебним издањем НФТ То…

23 August 2022, Tallinn: ЦоинЛоан, the leading EU-regulated crypto company, is celebrating its fifth anniversary by giving back to the customers that have helped make it one of the fastest-growing crypto exchanges in the industry. The company is releasing a limited number of special edition NFTs to customers who sign up through their website as a “thank you” for their loyalty and honest feedback and support over the past five years.

Since its launch in 2017, CoinLoan has witnessed a number of massive shifts within the crypto environment and experienced the growing pains of this burgeoning industry. 2021 saw the market cap for the crypto sector grow by 187.5%, and that same year CoinLoan’s active user base grew by 898% — a record-breaking year for the company. Even as industry growth has slowed in the first half of 2022, CoinLoan’s customer support has not wavered. Unlike some companies which have collapsed under the weight of market volatility, the company has weathered each new storm and come out the other side stronger. 

A key factor in the company’s continuous growth has been its ongoing commitment to sustainable, customer-led growth. As the industry has shifted, CoinLoan has listened to customer feedback and implemented new strategies or introduced new offerings to best suit its growing customer base. This has resulted in CoinLoan users having exceptionally high satisfaction rates. Recently, CoinLoan announced the outstanding results of its 2022 customer satisfaction survey, which found that 74% of customers were satisfied with the company’s lending system, and a staggering 92% were fully satisfied with CoinLoan’s stringent security standards. 

Алек Фалиусхин, извршни директор ЦоинЛоан-а, рекао је:

“Over the past five years, the CoinLoan family has grown exponentially. With this celebration, we wanted to be sure to do something special for the people who have guided every decision made by the company: our customers. They have supported our growth so far, and we are looking forward to the next chapter as we continue to grow with them.”

The special edition NFT token will be released in a limited number and will only be available while supplies last to active accounts with a balance above 10 USD.

To find out more about CoinLoan and secure your limited edition NFT Token, кликните овде. The company is also giving away fifty NFT Tokens via Twitter to followers who tweet them a birthday message. Terms and conditions do apply.


Контакти редакције:

Џон Норис / Ема Додс

Моонлигхт ИК

Е-маил: [емаил заштићен]

Тел: +44 (0) 20 7250 4770

О ЦоинЛоан-у

ЦоинЛоан је крипто бизнис са лиценцом ЕУ који је започео као пројекат 2017. Његова платформа нуди тренутне зајмове за криптовалуте, каматни рачун у крипто и крипто размену. Ове услуге се пружају и појединцима и правним лицима са изузецима у складу са важећим законима. Нашим клијентима пружамо највише безбедносне стандарде и осигурање имовине, омогућавајући и корпоративним и приватним клијентима да имају користи од највишег нивоа заштите.

Његове висококонкурентне стопе зајма и АПИ, транспарентне цене и 24/7 корисничка подршка су резултирали високим задржавањем и задовољством клијената. Платформа ЦоинЛоан-а омогућава замену и управљање свеобухватним и растућим спектром криптовалута, укључујући његове изворне токене и фиат валуте.

Компанија је фокусирана на сталне иновације кроз најсавременију технологију и партнерства, доносећи корисницима стална побољшања и могућности у крипто свету.

За више информација, посетите нас на https://coinloan.io/.

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисана штампа ослобађање, и је само у информативне сврхе. Не одражава ставове Црипто Даили, нити је намењен да се користи као правни, порески, инвестициони или финансијски савет

Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/08/coinloans-fifth-anniversary-marked-with-a-special-edition-nft-token-for-customers