еБаи се придружује НФТ простору, нудећи трговцима беспрекорно искуство

E-commerce giant eBay has ушао the non-fungible token (NFT) sector through a strategic partnership with Web3 company OneOf.

Вебп.нет-ресизеимаге - 2022-05-24Т165037.164.јпг

eBay’s exclusive NFTs will include animated and 3D interpretations of iconic athletes highlighted on Sports Illustrated covers in the past years. 

To offer high-value items and heightened passion to the eBay community of buyers and sellers, NFTs emerged as an ideal stepping stone, according to Dan Block, the VP of Collectibles, Electronics, and Home at eBay.

Блок додат:

“NFTs and blockchain technology are revolutionizing the collectibles space, and are increasingly viewed as an investment opportunity for enthusiasts. Through our partnership with OneOf, eBay is now making coveted NFTs more accessible to a new generation of collectors everywhere.”

With 142 million buyers worldwide, eBay is the second-largest e-commerce player after Amazon and seeks to render more economic opportunities through cutting-edge technologies like NFTs.

Lin Dai, OneOf’s CEO, pointed out:

„Не морате бити стручњак за криптовалуте да бисте куповали, продавали и прикупљали НФТ. ОнеОф и еБаи доносе трансформативну Веб3 технологију за следећих 100 милиона масовних потрошача који нису крипто-урођени.”

The NFT collection will comprise 13 limited editions, classified as green, gold, platinum, and diamond. 

Wayne Gretzky, a Sportsman of the Year, noted:

„Пре четрдесет година, био сам захвалан што сам био на насловној страни Спортс Иллустратед-а, био је то монументалан тренутак у мом животу. Почаствован сам што могу да донесем ово колекционарско искуство мојим љубитељима хокеја који прате моју каријеру деценијама.”

E-commerce players continue entering the crypto space based on the opportunities rendered. A recent study by Checkout.com истакнута that nearly 70% of merchants view crypto payments as game-changers needed to revolutionize business models. 

Извор слике: Схуттерстоцк

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/ebay-joins-the-nft-space-offering-traders-a-seamless-experience