Бивши Нави СЕАЛ и аутор Виллард Цхеснеи придружује се глумцу ЦБС СЕАЛ тима Џастину Мелнику са издавањем НФТ колекције на РесервеБлоцк РБКС мрежи, користи од кампање за покретање

16. август 2022. – Мајами, Флорида

Former Navy SEAL operator and author Willard Chesney, the dog handler on the historic raid on the Osama Bin Laden compound, along with Justin Melnick, who plays Navy SEAL dog handler ‘Brock Reynolds’ on the CBS hit television series ‘Seal Team’ are banding together to release an exclusive NFT collection utilizing the ReserveBlock RBX Network protocol with a portion of the proceeds benefiting ‘The Boot Campaign.’

This exclusive NFT series will each come with special unique digital and physical mementos as well as digitally paired with personal experiences with both Chesney and Melnick and will be directly offered from their digital wallets to anyone who wishes to participate.

Chesney served as a SEAL team operator and handler for Military Working Dog (MWD) Cairo, the only dog on the team that executed Operation Neptune Spear. This infamous operation resulted in the elimination of Osama Bin Laden and ended an eight-year campaign to capture or terminate the renowned terrorist.

Chesney, who served as both an assaulter and dog handler at NSW DEVGRU (SEAL team six) is also the recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart - as well as the author of the best-selling book ‘No Ordinary Dog,’ published through St. Martin’s Press.

While this gripping and emotional memoir details Chesney’s working relationship with Cairo through multiple deployments, it also memorializes how Cairo saved Chesney’s life in more ways than one. Chesney now works to help veterans who have suffered from traumatic brain injury.

Chesney said,

“I always knew I wanted to serve, and serving in the SEAL Teams was my life’s goal. I never dreamt I’d be lucky enough to become a dog handler in the teams. My dog Cairo was a special animal with a special soul he truly was part of our team just like any other operator.

“To be able to continue to tell his story in a variety of ways and help others is the best way I know how to honor his life. While NFTs are new to me, it clearly provides a platform for me to do just that help others and continue Cairo’s legacy.”

Partnering with Chesney is CBS SEAL Team actor Justin Melnick, who has also served his community as a police officer prior to his career in television. On the show, Justin plays the role of ‘Brock,’ the team’s dog handler, alongside his Belgian Malinois named Dita.

Melnick has spent many of his recent years contributing time and personal resources to several veteran causes and has also worked closely with Chesney on different training exercises with their Malinois.

Melnick said,

“Playing Brock on ‘SEAL Team’ has given me an even deeper perspective of our incredible heroes. My admiration for what they do is beyond measure. They’ve given so much to this country, and I’m proud to play one of these heroes on TV.

“I can’t be more excited to launch this NFT series with Will, and look forward to connecting with like-minded people who also want to show their support for our heroes.” 

Launch details on this exclusive NFT hero series will be forthcoming in September along with the series release date.

О мрежи РесервеБлоцк РБКС

РБКС је први децентрализовани блок ланац отвореног кода усмерен на НФТ који омогућава истинску равноправну оперативност за ковање и трговину НФТ-овима са или без потребе за централизованим ауторитетом.

Са екосистемом који пружа комплетан пакет алата на ланцу, РБКС смањује уобичајена трења и оптерећења тако што пружа окружење за сваког и свакога да учествује са транспарентним функцијама без поверења кроз основни новчаник или веб новчаник тако што ће потврдити на мрежи и/ или писање паметног уговора без икаквог кода који треба да знате. РБКС мрежа је тренутно у маиннет бета верзији.

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For more information on Chesney and Melnick, visit the links below.

Willard Chesney

инстаграм - @willcheeese  @noordinarydogbook

Јустин Мелницк

инстаграм - @јустинмелницк  @ditathehairmissle


Цхелсеа Оливер, Optimist Consulting

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/16/former-navy-seal-and-author-willard-chesney-joins-cbs-seal-team-actor-justin-melnick-with-nft-collection-release-on-the-reserveblock-rbx-network-proceeds-to-benefit-the-boot-campaign/