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NFT staking is a great way to make your NFTs work and generate passive income. The Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism is used to reward participants. All in all, how much can you earn on NFT staking?

It is worth noting that it all depends on where and what NFT you plan to stake. Yes, some platforms allow you to get up to 20% per annum, and some up to 200% per annum. NFT staking is commonly used in P2E games. However, there are platforms like PoSDuck, where you can choose staking pools on the platform itself, which differ not only in terms of work and percentage of profitability, but also in the ability to choose: you want to save your NFT for future use (sales, trading, etc. ) or you are ready to get a bigger reward now, but “burn” your NFT.

Specifically, there are 2 types of staking on the PoSDuck platform: time-limited and unlimited. Accordingly, choosing the first, your NFT immediately “burns” there, which allows you to make an overprofit, so it is more interesting and more profitable to use it. The limited type of staking has several pools: size S, you can get 120% of income in 17 days; size M – 140% in 27 days; size L – 220% in 47 days. In turn, unlimited allows the user to receive 1% of the value of NFT for an unlimited time and after its completion to take back the NFT.

Поред тога, PoSDuck has boost opportunities to increase the rewards, which can be purchased for PDT project tokens. If you have a question about where you can get them, then everything is simple: you can get tokens for free with the help of an AirDrop Telegram Bot –  https://t.me/posduck_bot.

So, we can conclude that all NFT connoisseurs do not need just to keep them and waste the time. Today, thanks to NFT staking on PoSDuck, you can earn a profit. In addition, it does not require complicated equipment and, unlike mining, it is less harmful to the environment.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/06/30/how-much-can-you-earn-from-nft-staking/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-much-can-you-earn-from-nft-staking