Збирка података о тржишној интелигенцији НФТ-а и динамици будућег раста 2022: 50+ КПИ-а за НФТ инвестиције према кључним средствима, валути, каналима продаје 2019-2028 – РесеарцхАндМаркетс.цом

ДУБЛИН– (ПОСЛОВНА ЖИЦА) –Тхе “Latin America NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook – 50+ KPIs on NFT Investments by Key Assets, Currency, Sales Channels – Q2 2022” Извештај је додат у РесеарцхАндМаркетс.цом'с понуда.

NFT industry in Latin America is expected to grow by 48.4% on an annual basis to reach US$5871.1 million in 2022.

Очекује се да ће НФТ индустрија стално расти током предвиђеног периода, бележећи ЦАГР од 34.8% током 2022-2028. Вредност потрошње НФТ-а у земљи ће се повећати са 5871.1 милиона долара у 2022. на 31994.3 милиона долара до 2028.

The non-fungible token (NFT) market in Latin America has undergone strong expansion over the last few years. The presence of Brazilian sports players on NFT marketplaces has supported the widespread adoption of NFTs among the general public.

In addition, the adoption of NFT in the art industry has also grown significantly in these countries. Adoption by visual artists and some well-known names in the music industry are supporting the growth of the NFT industry in Brazil.

With the NFT industry recording strong growth over the last four quarters in Brazil, NFT marketplaces are looking to tap into the high-growth market potential. Consequently, firms are entering into strategic partnerships with Brazilian football players, who have millions of fans across the country and globally, seeking to drive their growth in the NFT market.

As the popularity of NFTs continues to gain rapid momentum globally, the publisher expects an increasing number of sports teams to collaborate and launch NFTs shortly.

NFT marketplaces in Brazil are choosing an eco-friendly way to attract more artists to their platform, which will subsequently help them drive their growth.

Hic et Nunc, one of the leading Brazil-based NFT marketplaces for artists globally, mints artwork on the Tezos blockchain, which consumes only a fraction of the energy of its rival blockchains, such as Ethereum. In addition, the energy-efficient Tezos blockchain costs only 30 cents compared to the US$200 for conducting a single transaction on the Ethereum blockchain.

Како популарност НФТ-а наставља да расте глобално, бразилски стартапи и уметници стварају НФТ колекције и прикупљају милионе долара продајом.

In March 2022, Lumx Studios, one of the leading startups from Rio de Janerio that develops experiences in the metaverse, announced that the firm had earned R$ 2 million by entering the NFT market with the 55Unity collection. To date, the 55Unity collection remains the largest collectibles project, having sold 3,000 tokens in 28 hours.

In September 2021, Monica Rizzolli announced that the generative art NFT collection, Fragments of an infinite field, was sold for R$28.35 million in an auction.

The publisher expects similar trends to evolve in the Mexican NFT market over two to three years. Several brands have already started to mix NFT in their marketing strategies with increasing frequency. This trend is expected to intensify in the country from the short to medium-term perspective as the awareness and adoption among customers continue to grow in Mexico further. The publisher, therefore, expects the rising adoption of NFTs among brands to drive the market’s future growth in the country.

Music festivals are using NFTs as part of their marketing strategies in Mexico. Over the last 12 months, the NFT popularity has grown continuously. In the growing talks about NFTs in Mexico, music festivals have started to use NFTs as part of their marketing strategies.

In March 2022, Cerveza Tecate Pa’l Norte, one of the largest music festivals in Mexico, announced the creation and sale of NFTs. Notably, the NFTs, created specifically for the event and loaded with lifetime benefits for the owners, were part of Cerveza Tecate’s marketing strategy.

Football leagues are launching NFT collectibles to generate a new source of income amid the pandemic impact on revenue

У априлу 2021, Лига МКС, највиша фудбалска лига у земљи, објавила је да ће лансирати НФТ колекцију на почетку сезоне 21'/22′, која је требало да почне крајем августа 2021. НФТ колекција, Лига МКС је ушла у стратешку сарадњу са Бондлијем, НФТ тржиштем које је продало НФТ на аукцији.

Посебно, Лига МКС је једна од првих фудбалских лига која је лансирала НФТ колекционарске предмете. Глобално, неколико појединачних тимова је ушло у НФТ простор и најавило продају својих колекционарских предмета.

Фудбалски клубови ступају у стратешка партнерства са НФТ платформама како би лансирали НФТ колекционарске предмете

Several global football clubs and players are entering the NFT space to launch their NFT collectibles. Similar trends are visible in Mexico, wherein football clubs partner with global NFT platforms to launch their NFTs.

У фебруару 2022, Атлас фудбалски клуб је објавио да је клуб ступио у стратешко партнерство са Сораре, француском НФТ платформом, омогућавајући навијачима да тргују НФТ картицама својих омиљених играча.

НФТ помажу заједницама да обнове мексичко село са недостатком услуга

Због свог географског положаја, Акумала, малог села у региону полуострва Јукатан у Мексику, већина владиних средстава за развојне пројекте није стигла до села. Због тога је већина региона и становништва остала недовољно покривена дуги низ година. Међутим, ствари су почеле да се мењају када је власница локалне пекаре, Џенифер Смит, покренула Акумал Артс Фестивал 2018.

Notably, the event attracted artists worldwide who visited the region to decorate the town with beautiful images. The art festival caught the attention of local authorities, and now small development work is taking place in the region. However, in 2022, thanks to NFTs, the Akumal Arts Festival is expected to help the Akumal community rebuild the underserved Mexican village.

In January 2022, hundreds of artists worldwide gathered in Akumal for the festival under the sponsorship of Third Rail Art. These artists created murals, organized various community-driven interaction programs, and conducted workshops during the Art Festival.

In April 2022, Third Rail Art dropped animated NFTs of a few selected murals from the festival on its street-art NFT platform. Termed the NFT-4-GOOD collection, 85% of the proceeds from the NFT are expected to go to the Akumal Cultural Foundation. These NFTs were designed by artists who created the original murals in partnership with Cryptic Gallery.

As the NFT market matures and develops in Mexico, the publisher expects more innovative NFT use cases to emerge over the next three to four years. This will keep supporting the market growth from the short to medium-term perspective.

Размене криптовалута претварају популарне мексичке игре у НФТ искуство засновано на Солани

Amid the growing number of use cases, raising funds through NFTs is the most common. Many organizations globally are using NFTs to raise funds for non-profit organizations. Notably, similar trends are seen in Mexico, where cryptocurrency exchanges turn the famous Mexican game into a Solana-based NFT experience.

У октобру 2021, ФТКС, једна од водећих берзи криптовалута, објавила је да фирма претвара чувену мексичку игру Лотериа у НФТ-центричну игру на Солани. Наиме, фирма је навела да ће средства из пројекта бити од користи непрофитној организацији. Непрофитне организације које ће имати користи од пројекта укључују Хиспаниц Херитаге Фоундатион, Рисинг Тиде Нетворк и Латино Цоммунити Фоундатион.

This is a bundled offering, combining 6 reports, covering regional insights along with data centric analysis at regional and country level:

1. Latin America NFT Market Insight Brief

2. Latin America NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook

3. Argentina NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook

4. Brazil NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook

5. Colombia NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook

6. Mexico NFT Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics Databook


This report provides in-depth, data-centric analysis of NFT Market and below is the summary of key market segments:

Величина НФТ тржишта и прогноза према кључним средствима, 2019-2028

  • Колекционарство и уметност
  • Некретнине
  • спортски
  • Игре
  • Корисност
  • Мода и луксуз
  • други

Величина НФТ тржишта и прогноза кључних НФТ колекционарских средстава, 2019-2028

  • Дигитал арт
  • Музика и звучни клип
  • Видео записи
  • Мемови и Гиф
  • други

Величина НФТ тржишта и прогноза по валути, 2019-2028

  • Ethereum
  • солана
  • Лавина
  • Полигон
  • БСЦ
  • Проток
  • Восак
  • Ронин
  • други

Величина НФТ тржишта и прогноза по каналима продаје, 2019-2028

Статистика корисника, 2019-2028

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Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/latin-america-nft-market-intelligence-and-future-growth-dynamics-databook-2022-50-kpis-on-nft-investments-by-key-assets-currency-sales-channels-2019-2028-researchandmarkets-com/