НФТ пројекат Тори Зеро најављује стратешко партнерство са Вирек-ом – Цоинотизиа

САОПШТЕЊЕ. On 22 April, Tori Zero announced the strategic partnership with Wirex. The first collaboration will focus on a new product developed by Wirex – the Wirex Wallet. Tori Zero will be the first group of NFT projects integrated into this new wallet.

Tori Zero is the first virtual idol project in the blockchain industry and the first NFT project that utilises motion capture and facial motion capture technologies. The character has a great background story and comes with a unique virtual idol economic model, which empowers its long-term potential. The collaboration with Wirex is a cross-industry partnership and the first presentation of Tori in Web 2.

Wirex is a digital payment platform headquartered in London. It operates globally with teams and offices in different countries and has over 5 million users in more than 130 countries. The new product – Wirex Wallet, will be a cross-chain wallet used for DeFi and NFTs.

The initiation of this partnership between Tori and Wirex will be focusing on the digital wallet, but they have also disclosed potential collaborations in cross-branded products or payment solutions.

Сајт: https://torizero.com/#/
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/ToriZero_REDLAB
Сајт: https://wirexapp.com/en/wirex-wallet

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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Соурце: Bitcoin

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Source: https://coinotizia.com/nft-project-tori-zero-announces-a-strategic-partnership-with-wirex/