ОнеПланет завршава миграцију на Полигон, са циљем да постане најбоља НФТ дестинација за игре

6. септембар 2022. – Сеул, Јужна Кореја

ОнеПланет, an NFT marketplace formerly based on Terra, has completed its planned migration to Polygon.

Over 60 Terra-based NFT collections will be migrated to the Polygon sidechain network, giving them a new home after the original Terra blockchain collapsed in May.

OnePlanet had immediately secured a new partnership with Polygon Studios, which provided technical and financial support through a Terra Developer Fund initiative.

After the necessary preparations, which included rewriting the original code to make it EVM-compatible, OnePlanet is now ready to facilitate the merging of the rich Terra NFT ecosystem with Polygon, one of the market leaders for gaming and NFTs.

The Polygon deployment will be launched in beta mode on September 6, 2022. Existing Terra NFT collection holders will be able to seamlessly migrate to Polygon and continue managing them in a new environment.

OnePlanet launched in January 2022 and rapidly grew to become the top NFT marketplace and launchpad on the Terra blockchain. It has received strategic investment from Hashed, Animoca Brands, Galaxy Interactive and many more.

OnePlanet provides highly curated NFT collections and offers distinct services such as gamified live auctions and ‘forge protocols’ to add utility to NFTs. These features, combined in a high-quality marketplace and launchpad package, allowed OnePlanet to become the leading NFT marketplace on Terra. Now, it aims to repeat its success on Polygon.

OnePlanet has done significant work to connect to the Polygon community. It is maintaining a cooperative relationship with Derby Stars, a P2E blockchain-based gaming project migrating from the Terra chain. At the same time, it formed new partnerships with DAVA, The Mars, TRACER and another over twenty Polygon-based NFT/game/metaverse projects, which will be soon available on its marketplace.

Прајс Чо, извршни директор ОнеПланет-а, рекао је,

“We are putting our best effort into sorting and gathering fine NFT projects to become the NFT marketplace that represents Polygon. As numerous NFT, gaming, metaverse projects are preparing to launch on Polygon, OnePlanet is introducing a lot of services to take their NFT utilities further.

“For instance, we will enable the transactions of some NFT collections with ERC-20 tokens issued from their projects.”

О ОнеПланету

ОнеПланет је НФТ тржиште засновано на полигонима где власници могу да дефинишу и прошире корисност својих НФТ-ова. Почевши као тржиште за трговину НФТ-овима, ОнеПланет такође пружа друштвене карактеристике које омогућавају смислену комуникацију између власника и техничке инфраструктуре како би се убрзао развој пројекта.

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ИС Јунг, marketing lead at OnePlanet

Овај садржај се спонзорише и треба га сматрати промотивним материјалом. Овде су изнета мишљења и изјаве аутора и не одражавају мишљења Тхе Даили Ходл-а. Даили Ходл није подружница нити је у власништву било којег ИЦО-а, блоцкцхаин стартапа или компанија које се оглашавају на нашој платформи. Улагачи би требали обавити своју дужну опрему прије него што уложе високи ризик у било које ИЦО-ове, блоцкцхаин стартапове или крипто валуте. Имајте на уму да су ваша улагања на властити ризик, а за било какве губитке који могу настати ваша је одговорност.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/06/oneplanet-completes-migration-to-polygon-aiming-to-become-top-gaming-nft-destination/