РхиноКс Соулбоунд НФТ лансира нову мапу пута 'Соул Бреединг'

БинариКс, ГамеФи развојна платформа, данас је најавила лансирање њихов службеник РхиноКс roadmap, which unlocks new and exciting use cases for соулбоунд токенс in the Web3 space.

The roadmap reveals RhinoX’s ambitious plans to develop a ‘soul breeding’ mechanism that gives existing RhinoX token holders the ability to breed 2nd generation NFTs from their existing NFTs.

The concept of soulbound tokens was first introduced by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. He envisioned a blockchain-backed, non-transferable NFT that could be used to represent an individual’s identity in the metaverse. RhinoX is inspired by that concept.

Earlier this year, the RhinoX team launched the first iteration of RhinoX NFT, now known as the 1st generation Soulbound NFT. It is tied to a credit rating system and a behavior analysis model that tracks key user data.

A reward mechanism is also applied, and RhinoX holders stand to enjoy certain benefits according to their level of activity and milestone achievements.

Revealing the new RhinoX ecosystem

Према плану пута, РхиноКс ће ући у нову фазу развоја, са комплетним екосистемом и неколико истакнутих карактеристика.

Представљамо механизам 'оплемењивања душе'

Екосистем има постојеће систем кредитног рејтинга and a behavior analysis model. Apart from that, the team plans to introduce the ability to ‘breed’ new 2nd generation NFTs from the 10,000 1st generation RhinoX NFTs that sold out in June of this year.

The 2nd generation NFTs would be called Baby RhinoXs, and they will come with a different set of use cases, such as social identity building and asset collection.

“Personalisation is key to self-identification. We want RhinoX to be a canvas for creative designs to come alive. We hope that with the ability to personalize the NFT, RhinoX holders will feel a greater sense of ownership to the NFTs they own.

Chun, Global Head of Business Development at BinaryX. 

RhineT – a web3 social networking platform

RhinoX is also slated to launch a new social platform called RhineT. RhineT will be a safe space for users to connect and interact with each other on Web3.0.

Users can perform actions such as browsing someone’s NFT collection, making connections with others, and chatting on the platform. Users on the platform will be authenticated through their ownership of the RhinoX token. 

Cross-chain interoperability partnerships

In the latter half of 2023, the project intends to establish cross-chain interoperability to enable the movement of data and value to be transferred between RhinoX and other reputable NFT projects.

This will open up new pathways for interaction and collaboration between Rh!noX and their partners running on multiple chains. 

„Ово су тешка времена за тржиште НФТ-а, али постоји сребрна ствар – подстакнути смо на иновације и стварање одрживијег окружења за наше РхиноКс држаче. Радујемо се представљању нових функција нашим власницима и узбуђени смо што ћемо бити прва платформа која ће радити на томе.” Рекао је Цхун. 

What’s next for RhinoX?

RhinoX’s Credit Rating System is expected to go live in 2023 Q1. The system will be the foundation of Rh!noX’s ecosystem and will give rise to new NFT use cases and applications in the Web3 space.

О РхиноКс-у

RhinoX is the first soulbound token built on the BNB Chain. It is set within a unique digital environment based on a credit rating system by implementing a Soulbound Mechanism where a RhinoX NFT works as a Soulbound Token that reflects a user’s identity, credibility, and social status.

RhinoX holders get access to exclusive features and perks across the blockchain space, depending on their credit level.

RhinoX aims to develop the practicality of NFTs and reinforce global digitalization, attracting both NFT and non-NFT enthusiasts by offering the advantages of a credible digital identity.

О БинариКс-у

БинариКс је ГамеФи платформа која стоји иза метаверсе игара ЦиберЦхесс ЦиберДрагон, а оба послују у ланцу БНБ.

БинариКс је почео као децентрализовани систем за трговање дериватима. Препознајући растућу популарност ГамеФи-ја и интересовање за метаверзалне игре, тим је постепено еволуирао у развој децентрализованих видео игара и сада прелази на ГамеФи платформу која нуди ИГО услуге за премошћавање Веб2 програмера са Веб3. 

Као један од 10 најбољих пројеката на БНБ ланцу, БинариКс има више од 100 хиљада држача новчића и 15 хиљада активних новчаника месечно.

It is also one of the largest metaverse projects by trading volume on the BNB chain, with more than 300 million in market cap. BinaryX has a token $BNX that has consistently demonstrated strong performance despite the bear market.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/rhinox-soulbound-nft-launches-roadmap/