Риппле обезбеђује партнерство за покретање новог НФТ тржишта на КСРП Ледгер-у

San Francisco-based payments company Ripple is signing a new partnership involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

In a new announcement, digital assets exchange CrossTower каже they are partnering with Ripple to bring XRP Ledger (XRPL) minted NFTs to the CrossTower NFT marketplace.

“CrossTower will facilitate minting and trading of NFTs with Ripple as blockchain partner providing technical support on the XRP Ledger (XRPL) blockchain. 

CrossTower’s marketplace makes it easy for developers and creators to onboard their projects, accelerating time to market.”

CrossTower is a Web 3.0 exchange founded in 2019 and based out of Jersey City, New Jersey.

Says CrossTower CEO Kapil Rathi of the partnership,

“We are thrilled to partner with Ripple and build our Web3.0 platform on the XRPL. Ripple’s commitment to building a developer network in India is particularly exciting for CrossTower as we are committed to developing India’s blockchain talent. We look forward to the growth of our global NFT platform.”

Last month, British luxury car maker Lotus also најавила an NFT partnership with Ripple to bring Lotus NFTs to the XRPL.

“The forthcoming launch of the Lotus NFTs on the XRPL allows creators and collectors to come together and experience Lotus Cars in a new and exciting environment, including unique perks exclusive to holders of the Lotus NFTs.”

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Абрилла/Тун_Тханакорн

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/11/ripple-secures-partnership-to-launch-new-nft-marketplace-on-the-xrp-ledger/