Сеедифи, Премиер Лаунцхпад и Инкубатор, представља НФТ колекцију 'Тхе Моунтс оф Сеедворлд'

Сеедифи is one of the crypto industry’s leading notable launchpads and incubators.

They empower innovators and project developers through access to funding, community and partnership building and a complete support system to help bring premier blockchain games, NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and metaverses to its community through events called IGOs (initial gaming offerings) and INOs (initial NFTs offering). Seedify is now also venturing into AI-related project IDOs (initial DEX offerings).

Сеедифи је успешно покренуо преко 50 ИГО пројеката и ушао је у НФТ простор са НФТ лансирном платформом и тржиштем које ће привући нове чланове и нови ток могућности за генерисање прихода својој заједници.

Last year, Seedify successfully launched its native NFT token SNFTS via an airdrop, which reached almost 60x (at its all-time high).

In addition, they are now bridging the metaverse with the recent reveal of its own 10,000 steampunk-themed NFT collection called, ‘The Mounts.’ The Mounts will cost 40,000 SNFTS. The mint will take place on February 13, 2023, and all funds raised from the sale will be burned.

The Mounts are the genesis vehicles of their UGC (user-generated content) metaverse called, ‘Seedworld.’

Seedworld aims to provide the foundation and tools needed for players to create their own games and experiences, focusing on user-generated content, terraforming tools and assets provided by Seedify Meta Studios.

In addition, it supports game designers by offering a talent marketplace and an academy for educational content. Seedworld also has decentralized governance, where each land is governed by its participants, allowing for multiple layers of DAOS (decentralized autonomous organizations) throughout the platform.

Тхе Моунтс

The Mounts will be the first and most crucial companions in Seedworld, acting as AME-powered vehicles enabling characters to increase cargo storage and travel faster and some can even fly. There are three types of genesis mounts, each with different perks and utilities.

The Mounts come in five levels of rarity - цommon, rare, epic, legendary and mythic. In addition, each Mount has unique traits and allocations.


У огромним пустињама непознатих земаља, номадима је било потребно више од својих ранчева да би сакупили и понели још блага. Блоодмотхерс су најређи и имају највише складишта међу генерацијама.

They are giant steampunk spider-like cargo mounts with many sockets that can carry lots of items and resources.

Bloodmothers come in three versions – four-legged, comparable to a pickup truck, six-legged, equivalent to a cargo lorry and eight-legged, close to a large cargo truck. The more legs they have, the more they can carry loads.


Skyrider is paramount to living in the deserts of the metaverse. Each one comes with a water tank and the ability to fly.

Skyriders are large, delicate, slow-flying mosquito-like mounts (only 1,000 times bigger), comparable to a helicopter. They are designed for gathering and transporting water and selling it to other inhabitants of the metaverse and towns that need access to water.


Deathrunner is the fastest among all of the genesis mounts. It’s a perfect companion for those looking to travel across the metaverse, explore distant ruins and gather precious treasures at speed.

It is a small, fast, hound-like mount comparable to a motorcycle with low cargo capacity and only a few equipment sockets.

However, it benefits from its small size, as it can enter most caves all over the planet and outrun most enemies and opponents. Deathrunner can also be used as a specialized mount for scouting.

Pre-metaverse utilities

The Mounts will come with pre-metaverse utilities that will be integral for shaping the future of Seedworld.

  • Seedworld Discord will have gated access for Mount NFT holders, with private rooms and events for networking and discussion about the metaverse, NFTs, Web 3.0 gaming and generative AI.
  • Mounts can be staked to generate Seedworld currency (AME) and earn up to 20,000 SNFTS tokens through their staking mechanisms.
  • Mount NFT holders can participate in quests with social media tasks with rewards including raffle tickets for collecting more NFTs.
  • The community will decide on tasks for building and co-creation, with a mechanism for suggesting new tasks and deciding rewards and milestones through decentralized voting. Each Mount acts as one vote in Seedworld’s decision-making process, with other NFTs to be added in the future.

Seedify is stretching boundaries and positioning itself as the pioneer of innovation in the era of the metaverse. They will continue to reveal more story parts within the collection, with new concepts and exciting utilities to enhance the value of their tokens to their communities.

Позовите се на ово чланак for more information on how to participate in the upcoming sale on February 13, 2023, and follow @СеедифиФунд на Твитеру за најновије најаве.

To learn more about Seedify, please refer to the following links.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/10/seedify-premier-launchpad-and-incubator-presents-the-mounts-of-seedworld-nft-collection/