Фестивал Сонар поздравља Тезос НФТ уметничку заједницу са првом галеријом СонарМатиц у Сонар+Д

BARCELONA, ES, 3rd June, 2022, Chainwire

  • Тезос, енергетски ефикасна blockchain, is in the spotlight at Sónar 2022 as it hosts its first ever NFT art gallery titled SonarMàtica.
  • SonarMàtica will be displayed in Sónar’s music creativity and technology center, Sónar+D, from June 16-18, 2022. The interactive exhibition will showcase curated audiovisual installations with leading global contemporary NFT artists. 

Sónar Festival is excited to welcome the Тезос NFT art community with the first-ever SonarMátic Gallery at Sónar+D. The SonarMátic exhibit will run from June 16-18 in Barcelona with artists Цасеи Реас, Софиа Цреспо, Mario Klingemann, Anna Carreras, Kelly Richardson, and more. As artists around the world are re-imagining the digital canvas, the Tezos NFT art community has continued to make headlines as the place for artists exploring NFTs.

Located in the heart of Barcelona, Sónar+D will feature its most interactive and engaging edition to date as it expands its programme to explore the groundbreaking paradigms of digital art. The SonarMàtica exhibition, a new dedicated space organized as an art gallery and featuring prominent digital artists from around the world, will explore four themes that facilitate discussion around the future of a technologically advanced society in a climate crisis.

The themes, ecology, aural ecology, AI, and Web3, will be portrayed by the more than 15 exhibiting artists through a range of audiovisual installations. Each work, minted as an NFT on the energy-efficient Tezos блоцкцхаин, will be distinguished by their own unique styles and disciplines, effectively showcasing the potential of NFTs as a new medium of expression and emotion for the contemporary art world.

“Seeing Sónar+D and Tezos present SonarMàtica is like seeing two artists showing their first collaboration. It’s fresh and instinctive. It is a mix of legacy and emergence. It is bold and meaningful,” said Diane Drubay, Arts & Culture in the Tezos ecosystem, TZ Connect.

Sónar Festival and the SonarMàtica exhibition will be part of Tezos Art Week, a week dedicated to celebrating art minted on Tezos around the globe. From June 13-19, the Tezos NFT art community is encouraged to share their minted artwork online and support their favorite artists with the hashtag #tezosartweek.

The Tezos art community uses NFTs as a technology to bridge a gap in the art world, allowing artists from around the world to connect with new collectors and art institutions and sell their work to anyone at any time. During the recent crypto market downturn and subsequent precipitous decline in NFT prices, Tezos has stood out. The Tezos NFT тржиште is up over 60% in the last 30 days as popular alternatives such as Ethereum (-45%) and Solana (-15%) are down.

With a pioneering, energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake design and low costs to mint and transact digital art, Tezos is being hailed as the perfect home for digital art of all levels. Recently, the Tezos Ecosystem has been in the spotlight at some of the world’s most premier art & culture events, such as Art Basel Hong Kong, Art Basel Miami Beach, and SXSW ’22. To explore more about Tezos NFTs for art institutions, checkout the WAC Fellowship – an 8-week program to onboard art institutions to the Web3 revolution through immersive educational programs, mentorships, and hands-on sessions.

Learn more about SonarMàtica ovde.

Learn more about Sonar+D ovde

Learn more about Tezos ovde

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О Тезосу:

Тезос је паметан новац, који редефинише шта значи држати и размењивати вредност у дигитално повезаном свету. Самонадоградив и енергетски ефикасан Прооф оф Стаке блоцкцхаин са доказаним искуством, Тезос неприметно усваја сутрашње иновације без прекида мреже данас. За више информација посетите ввв.тезос.цом.

About TZ Connect:

TZ Connect is a Berlin-based team that builds open-source software, provides support to projects and companies building on Tezos, and bridges different players within the Tezos ecosystem. www.tzconnect.com

About Sonar+D:

Sónar+D is an international congress that explores how creativity modifies our present and imagines new futures, in collaboration with researchers, innovators and leaders from the business world. Since 2013, this anti-disciplinary meeting has brought together leading artists, creative technologists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, thinkers, scientists, entrepreneurs, makers and hackers in Barcelona to participate in a carefully selected program focused on inspiration and networking.

Одрицање од одговорности. Ово је плаћено саопштење за јавност. Читаоци треба да обаве сопствену дужну пажњу пре предузимања било каквих радњи у вези са промовисаном компанијом или било којом од њених филијала или услуга. Цриптополитан.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно узрокован коришћењем или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/sonar-festival-welcomes-the-tezos-nft-art-community-with-the-first-ever-sonarmatic-gallery-at-sonard/