СТРМНФТ лансира Пикел Фриендс, 10,000 НФТ Аирдроп са мистериозним кутијама

Following its new milestone of 100,000 users, the STRMNFT marketplace has launched an airdrop campaign boasting a collection of 10,000 NFTs. Named the Pixel Friends, this collection is allocated exclusively to all participants who will join an Allow List and register on STRMNFT after March 15, 2023.

After the airdrop is concluded, TNC Art, the creative team behind Pixel Friends, will give a mystery box to each user who collects four of the new NFTs. The mystery box will include a special, high-resolution NFT along with a prize of up to $100 worth of STRM—the marketplace’s native token.

Inside the Pixel Friends collection, there are four different types of characters: Spectral Blaze, Mad Wolf, The Voyager, and Goblin. While all these NFTs are illustrated with sharp, square pixels, each character is different. Some of these NFTs come as a nebular flame; others feature a wolf with glowing eyes, a human-like avatar with tinted skin, or a smiley Goblin with a spanner.

The story behind Pixel Friends starts with these characters living on pixelated, low-resolution planets with limited resources. As the Pixel Friends grew in numbers, the need to move to a ‘high-resolution’ planet became inevitable.

To be able to travel through space, the Pixel friends have combined their power with the Spectral Blaze as Energy, the Mad Wolf as a Warrior, The Voyager as a Pilot, and Goblin as the Engineer and mastermind for creating necessary tools.

The first airdrop started on March 20 for the Spectral Blaze. It will continue for one month and be followed with another airdrop for the second set of NFTs. The campaign will comprise four airdrop events. In each one, a total of 2,500 NFTs will be distributed to the community.

Known for its creative campaigns to keep the NFT spark lighting, STRMNFT has claimed its place as the hotspot for new and experienced creators and collectors. Since the start of this year alone, the emerging marketplace has launched many large-scale airdrops, a creator contest with numerous benefits, along with the new Pixel Friends campaign.

STRMNFT welcomes all NFT enthusiasts to participate in the new airdrop campaign. Interested users can visit the collection on STRMNFT to learn how to join the Allow List with a few steps.

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Пост Виевс: 5

Source: https://coinedition.com/strmnft-launches-pixel-friends-a-10000-nft-airdrop-with-mystery-boxes/