НФТ колекција на коју треба обратити пажњу: БудБлоцкз Гања Гуруз

БудБлоцкз community can change the marijuana industry and landscape for both consumers and businesses alike. Whether you are a member of the growing legal marijuana community in America or a crypto investor, you might have come across the name BudBlockz and its digital token BLUNT in the last few months. Since the crypto hasn’t been publicly released, you might wonder what the fuss is about.

Шта је БудБлоцкз?

BudBlockz is the first blockchain dependent on an ecosystem that primarily focuses on asset-backed NFTs to bring together the growing global cannabis industry. Through a decentralized system, the platform helps businesses and individuals buy, sell, and invest in farms, products, and dispensaries.

The ecosystem facilitates easy navigation of a competitive industry, enabling participants to solve many logistical, financial, and data management problems previously faced by cannabis entrepreneurs, corporations, and consumers.

The growing community of BudBlockz shares many attributes with other thriving crypto communities. BudBlockz combines this inclusive approach with a predefined place in the market and a genuine desire to ease more people into the legal cannabis industry.

The digital currency is committed to being a true visionary for the cannabis sector by developing its own dispensaries and partnering with established brands.

A Premier NFT Collection

BudBlockz’s premier collection is the Ganja Gurus NFT collection. It is one of the decentralized Cannabis e-commerce platforms. Here are some of the qualities that make the Ganja Guruz NFT collection one of the best.

The cannabis NFT collection enables holders of the NFTs to have ownership stakes in Cannabis stores, dispensaries, and farms worldwide. It is highly beneficial since it will not just give the NFT holders a reliable source of passive income but also remove the barriers for participation and improve inclusivity. It’s because people who have limited resources get a chance to acquire a particular part of their income-generating assets. This doesn’t require a large capital outlay.

  • Ексклузивне погодности чланства

Ganja Guruz NFTs will grant BudBlockz enthusiasts unrestricted access to marijuana facilities in the ecosystem of BudBlockz across the world. It is because the NFTs serves as a license that will prove the user’s eligibility.

Moreover, the holders of Ganja Guruz NFT will gain access to many other benefits that are only reserved for verified members.

  • An Inclusive and Strong Marketplace

Unlike most NFT marketplaces, Ganja Guruz NFT marketplace allows its members to take part in its action. Verified holders will be allowed to develop their own Cannabis-themed NFT collectibles, market, and sell them along with the Ganja Guruz NFTs in the BudBlockz NFT marketplace.

Moreover, Ganja Guruz NFT holders can sell their NFT collectibles and transfer a fraction of their ownership stakes to everyone, including all unregistered users. Hence, it increases the potential of making more income for BudBlockz community members apart from owning the NFTs or BLUNT tokens.


BudBlockz’s NFT will reform the cannabis NFT landscape in terms of membership benefits, utility, accessibility, and inclusivity. Hence, as an investor, you should look forward to participating in the project. 

Приступите дигиталним каналима БудБлоцкз-а да бисте сазнали више:

Званични сајт: будблоцкз.ио/

Регистрација у претпродаји:: https://app.budblockz.io/sign-up

Телеграм Гроуп: https://t.me/BudBlockz

Дисцорд Сервер: https://discord.gg/s7hBFgvTmN

Све БудБлоцкз везе: https://linktr.ee/budblockz 

Одрицање од одговорности: Било која информација написана у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту не представља савет за инвестирање. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом не подржава и неће подржавати било коју информацију о било којој компанији или појединцу на овој страници. Читаоци се подстичу да сами истражују и предузму било какве радње на основу сопствених налаза, а не на било ком садржају написаном у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом је и неће бити одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован директно или индиректно коришћењем било ког садржаја, производа или услуге поменуте у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту.

Најновији постови аутора госта (види све)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/10/the-nft-collection-to-look-out-for-budblockz-ganja-guruz/