Иуга Лабс поздравља Беепле-ове 10КТФ и ВЕНЕВ у њихов растући НФТ и Веб3 екосистем

WENEW and Yuga share a passion for imagination and storytelling; acquisition will accelerate joint efforts to bring more creativity into web3

Co-founder and CEO of WENEW, Michael Figge, to join Yuga as Chief Content Officer; Beeple, aka Mike Winkelmann, to join Yuga as an advisor

МИАМИ– (ПОСЛОВНА ЖИЦА) -Иуга Лабс, web3 leader and home of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), today confirmed the acquisition of ВЕНЕВ and its flagship NFT collection, 10КТФ.

WENEW is a NFT powerhouse known for web3-centric partnerships with celebrated brands such as Louis Vuitton, Playboy, Wimbledon, Gucci, Puma, and others; in addition to these high-profile collaborations, WENEW is home to the narrative-driven NFT collection, 10KTF.

10KTF is an interoperable digital storefront where holders from top NFT collections (BAYC, Cool Cats, Moonbirds, and others) can mint and collect one-of-a-kind NFTs featuring their digital avatar on various metaverse-ready digital wearables. The collection has attracted legions of devoted community members, gaining popularity by releasing serialized and narrative-driven content from fictional shop purveyor, Вагми-сан.

“Figge, Beeple, and the WENEW team have found a way to create a captivating serialized story for web3, while also managing to tap into the passion people have for their digital avatars and customization,” said Грег Солано, co-founder of Yuga Labs. “Storytelling and world-building are foundational at Yuga and I’m thrilled that we get to work with the creative mind hive at WENEW in a much more robust way. The possibilities of what we can do together are endless.”

“We built this company with storytelling at the forefront,” said Michael Figge, co-founder and CEO of WENEW. “Yuga’s first-class contributions to story, experiences, and community were a huge inspiration. Their principles of openness inspired the interoperability of 10KTF. We’re excited to join Yuga and continue building amazing things in NFTs and web3 together.”

Following the acquisition, Figge will join Yuga’s leadership team as the Chief Content Officer, responsible for pushing the boundaries of imagination and creativity at Yuga through out-of-the-box content strategies and experiences. Beeple, aka Mike Winkelmann, will join Yuga Labs as an advisor.

Figge brings a unique creative lens to Yuga from his experience with Possible, where he served as co-founder and Creative Director, having architected immersive visual experiences for the Super Bowl halftime show, Coachella, Louis Vuitton, dozens of international concert tours, and League of Legends Worlds for which he was awarded an Emmy in 2021.

In addition to Figge, nearly 20 WENEW employees will move over to Yuga, bringing Yuga’s full-time staff to over 100 people around the world.

О Иуга Лабс

Иуга Лабс је веб3 компанија која обликује будућност кроз приповедање прича, искуства и заједницу. Вођене уверењем да се потенцијал веб3 може реализовати када почнемо са маштом, а не са ограничењима, Иуга иницијативе имају за циљ да поново осмисле како изгледа корисност у стварном свету за НФТ и погурају простор напред као целину. Од њиховог лансирања у априлу 2021. са водећом колекцијом Боред Апе Иацхт Цлуб, доспеле су на насловне стране као једна од првих компанија која је издала ИП лиценце својим НФТ власницима, стекла и издала права на друге врхунске колекције (ЦриптоПункс и Меебитс) и направила веб3 историја са рекордним учешћем синхронизованих играча у њиховој најновијој иницијативи, Отхерсиде. Један од најамбициознијих интерактивних метаверзалних пројеката до сада, Отхерсиде је изграђен са заједницом, побуном против традиционалних вртова ограђених зидинама у просторима за игре. У марту 2022, Иуга Лабс је прикупио почетни круг од 450 милиона долара по вредности од 4 милијарде долара.

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Деланеи Симонс

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Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/yuga-labs-welcomes-beeples-10ktf-and-wenew-to-their-growing-nft-and-web3-ecosystem/