16. издање БФСИ ИТ Суммит Јужна Африка

After successful 15 editions of BFSI IT Summit,  Exito is all set to host another milestone event – which serves as an ideal platform to enhance the experience to latest insights in “Future Proofing BFSI In  Africa”. The South African banking industry has widely been regarded as one of the best banking systems in the world. South Africa also boasts of a FinTech sector that plays an integral role, not only for the country, but for the African continent as a whole. The country has historically been a major trade and investment commercial hub for the African continent to do business globally. Digital has been on the executive agenda of South Africa’s financial services industry for the past decade. It has been the major driving force behind tremendous changes across the industry, allowing innovation and healthy competition to flourish. As the sector continues to drive innovation, BFSI technology leaders find themselves looking for new ways to redefine their strategy comprehensively, outgrow competition and remain resilient. Customer-centric approaches, digitization, automation of processes and data security continue to be priority for IT leaders from the BFSI sector.

16th Edition BFSI IT Summit, is an in-person conference bringing together the top technology leaders from the fraternity. The Summit aims to be a learning and networking platform curated to deep dive into the imminent challenges faced by the BFSI sector and indentify best practices to overcome the same.

The summit is an ideal platform for Technology and Innovation leaders to Meet, Interact and Gain new insights on the digital transformation and innovations from the Banking and Financial Services Industry. At BFSI IT Summit South Africa, you will hear from top IT experts on strategy, action plans and best practices towards building an agile digital organization. 

The summit will bring together 150+ IT Leaders, CIO, CTO, VP/ AVP-IT, Director IT, CDO, General Manager IT to discuss the best practices in Cyber Security and engaging in panel discussions, industry keynotes and solution showcases that will enable IT leaders to chart out the optimal strategic path.  

Speakers like John Bosco Arends– Chairperson Chartered CIO council, Group Head Information and Network Technology Operations City of Johannesburg, South Africa, Kumaran Selvarajalu-Senior General Manager: Payments, Payments Division, The Banking Association South Africa, Shergeran Naidoo– Head: Stakeholder Engagement BankservAfrica, Thembelani Mkhize CA(SA)– Head: Finance, Hollard Investments, Shoaib Nathie– Chief Information Officer, CIB, Dr. Sizwe Gwala– Head of Data Governance: Group Compliance, Absa Group, Sanele Samuel Mtshotana– Associate Financial Markets Specialist South African Reserve Bank, Paul Morley– Executive: Group Data Services, Nedbank Group Technology, Megaree Naraidoo– Enterprise Architect, AVBOB will be sharing their experiences and expertise at the Summit. 

 Регистрација догађаја је почела за Делегати и спонзори. 

  • The delegates will be exposed to in-depth, trend-forward sessions & workshops-practical takeways and ideas to keep you ahead in the digital economy.
  • Спонзори ће моћи да креирају огроман бренд на догађају заједно са упознавањем својих потенцијалних клијената и приказивањем производа.
  • Hundreds of seasoned marketers, strategists, designers, and more to network and connect with. Meet your customers, vendors, experts resources, friends and colleagues on the 17th новембра 2022.

Регистер Тодаи да учествујете на овом великом догађају јер се места брзо попуњавају.

Да бисте сазнали више о догађају, https://bfsiitsummit.com/africa/

О Екиту

Ми смо глобална компанија за Б2Б пословне догађаје фокусирана на креирање решења и контекста по мери дизајнирањем платформи које стварају нове пословне прилике за наше клијенте у различитим концептима и индустријама. Негујемо поверење које смо стекли током последњих 12 година од наших партнерских организација широм света, а са растућим тимом младих, живахних и креативних појединаца, Екито тежи успеху и савршенству!

odricanje: Ово је порука за штампу. Цоинпедиа не подржава нити је одговоран за било који садржај, тачност, квалитет, оглашавање, производе или друге материјале на овој страници. Читаоци би требало да сами истраже пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом.

Да ли је ово писање било од помоћи?

Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/16th-edition-bfsi-it-summit-south-africa-physical-conference-on-17th-november-2022/