87% корисника Цоинбасе-а купује Схиба Ину јер Схиб добија треће место на Цоинмаркетцап кованицама у тренду

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87% of Coinbase Users are buying Shiba Inu (SHIB) in The Past 24 Hours.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has become the 11th most popular coin on Coinbase, as 87% of Coinbase users prefer to buy the most popular canine-themed cryptocurrency. Shiba Inu has also taken the 3rd spot as the most searched coin on CoinMarketCap in the past 24 hours.

The popularity of Shiba Inu across all major cryptocurrency exchanges and price-tracking websites begins to increase as Unification XFUND reveals its plan to deploy Shibarium Public Beta TestNet in Q3.

The recent data released by Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, shows that 87% of its users have increased their net long positions in SHIB over the past 24 hours through trading, while only 13% of its users prefer to sell the 14th највећа криптовалута на свету.

87% buying shib on Coinbase
Image source: https://www.coinbase.com/price/shiba-inu/

At the same time, the data provided by CoinMarketCap (CMC) states that SHIB is now the third trending coin on the world’s top crypto tracking website.

Shib Trending on CMC
image source: https://coinmarketcap.com/trending-cryptocurrencies/

Following the developments mentioned above, the trading volume for SHIB spiked more than 95% over the past day. Now, a 24-hour volume for the most popular dog-themed cryptocurrency stands at $414,629,633 ($414.62M). At the time of writing, Shiba Inu is trading at the price of $0.00001025.

Према recent report by TheCryptoBasic, the XRP-focused Mega Crypto Whale has accumulated a whopping 20,000,000,024,240 (20T) SHIB, worth $210,105,912 ($210.10M) in one record-breaking transaction in the past 24 hours.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/05/87-of-coinbase-users-are-buying-shiba-inu-as-shib-gets-third-place-in-coinmarketcap-trending-coins/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=87-of-coinbase-users-are-buying-shiba-inu-as-shib-gets-third-place-in-coinmarketcap-trending-coins