Апсолутни крипто током медведјег тржишта?

Oryen, Binance Coin, And Spookyswap As Grand Additions To Your Portfolio?




Retracements and new launches provide eye-watering opportunities within the crypto market. In their current state, crypto markets offer an unparalleled opportunity. Established enough that its survival is guaranteed but still considered significantly high-risk, meaning capital has fled rapidly throughout the bear market.

Avalanche, Elrond, and Oryen Network are the three protocols discussed in this piece.


Avalanche is one of Ethereum’s most prominent rivals. This decentralized application platform is EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible but offers massively scaled-up performance and fractional fees compared to its counterpart. Avalanche quickly snatched up swathes of liquidity in DeFi and hosted one of DeFi’s leading exchanges TraderJoe. Most of the big-name DApps in the space have ported onto the Avalanche network, and investors can access Ethereum’s rich ecosystem without the gas fees.


Elrond is a layer one blockchain that implements sharding and objectively features some of the best technology amongst layer ones. The network can process more than fifteen thousand transactions per second and scale industrially. Elrond’s success remains incredible, given how little the project marketed instead of relying on its performance to draw users.

EGLD, the native token, has suffered through the bear market. But only the price has changed; the underlying technology remains the same, and EGLD at its current price represents an easy 10X.




Ориен Нетворк

Ориен Нетворк represents an incredibly potent opportunity due to its timing. The protocol conducts its presale throughout the bear market when investor sentiment is low, and capital allocation to new projects remains depressed. The good news for proponents participating in the presale is that they purchase doubly discounted ORY.

Oryen Network pays out a fixed rate of 90% APY by leveraging compound interest. The protocol’s Oryen Autostaking Technic (OAT) system is one of the most efficient economic engines within DeFi, and, as the name suggests, auto-stakes ORY on behalf of investors. Oryen network has finetuned passive income within DeFi into three steps: buy, hold, and earn.

Завршне мисли

Investors still active in crypto and buying assets at their current discount lay the foundations for a completely different future. The bear market presents incredible possibilities.

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Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Сајт: https://oryennetwork.io/

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисани чланак, и погледи у њему не представљају ставове ЗиЦрипто-а, нити их треба приписати ЗиЦрипто-у. Читаоци би требало да спроведу независно истраживање пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом, производом или крипто пројектима поменутим у овом делу.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/oryen-network-elrond-and-avalanche-absolute-cryptos-during-the-bear-market/