Апецоин (АПЕ) постављен да експлодира како екосистем АПЕ расте,…

2022 was harsh on many crypto projects, leaving many high-flying projects in the clutches of the bear market. However, the same can’t be said for Апецоин (APE), the native token of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection. This token had a great year, despite being launched just last year.

Another rising star analysts have predicted to go all the way is the Орбеон Протокол (ОРБН). ORBN just moved into the sixth stage of its предпродажној and it has been forecasted by analysts to surge by 6000% during its presale following an initial price of $0.004 to $0.24. It is expected to do even better when listed.

Сваки инвеститор који жели да оствари профит на токенима ове године треба да критички погледа ова два токена. Овај кратки део ће вас провести кроз све што треба да знате о оба токена.


Апецоин (мајмун)

Апецоин (APE), launched in March 2022, is a token that has had such a rapid rise through most of 2022. Апецоин is the native cryptocurrency of one of the largest NFT collections in the world, BAYC. Shortly after its release, the Апецоин (APE) became the metaverse token with the largest market capitalization, dethroning the Децентралан (MANA) token. Апецоин further established its dominance by reaching an all-time high price just over a month after its launch.

Међутим, упркос свом огромном колапсу у другој половини прошле године, аналитичари очекују да ће се овај новчић припремити за још једну берзу ове године. Један од индикатора који се користи је његова доступност на главним платформама за размену као нпр Бинанце, Coinbase Pro, Gate.io, and many others. This means Apecoin’s trading volume would likely rise, hence affecting its price action. Also, Апецоин has enlarged its ecosystem during the end of last year, launching its own NFT marketplace.

With these various indicators, the chances of Апецоин exploding are high.


Орбеон Протокол (ОРБН)

Орбеон protocol (ORBN) is one project whose price action is purely fueled by its use case. The innovation behind the crowdfunding investment platform makes it one that will benefit investors for a long term. The Орбеон Protocol (ORBN) allows everyday investors to invest in companies they believe in, which helps startups raise funds faster.

Ово је могуће коришћењем осигуран власничким капиталом fractionalized NFTs, available to everyday investors for as little as $1 as a form of investment. This democratizes access to the venture capital industry allowing anyone to get involved with comparatively low capital.

Apart from its solid use case, ORBN is an investor favorite due to its bridges to various established blockchains. Its availability on these blockchains means it can be easily accessed and traded when it is finally listed. ORBN is approaching the final stages of its presale and will launch on Унисвап када се претпродаја заврши.

Analysts are confident that ORBN will surge by up to 6000% once the presale concludes, with these predictions stemming from the fact that Орбеон Protocol has seen a 1400% price increase in presale so far.

Сазнајте више о Орбеон Протоцол Пресале 

Сајт: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Предпродаја: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register

телеграм: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисано саопштење за штампу и служи само у информативне сврхе. Не одражава ставове Црипто Даили, нити је намењен да се користи као правни, порески, инвестициони или финансијски савет.

Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2023/02/apecoin-ape-set-to-explode-as-the-ape-ecosystem-grows-orbeon-protocol-orbn-is-an-investor-favorite-as-it-enters-the-sixth-stage-of-presale